hey Aqualung

Jan 23, 2009 10:43

Last night we went to see a friend's punk band play live in this barn that they're renting,
with walls covered in taken down street signs (on the inside) and had a sound/mixing board in a separate room and everything. They used to be an instrumental band, and you could tell because the guitar melodies were beautiful. It really felt like the good old times when it was $7 at 7 PM in Bremerton... except this was free and the people weren't jerks with "images." They were more like "HEY I SEE YOU ON CAMPUS ALL THE TIME" and I just say "HI MY HAIR IS WHITE."

A Burger King coupon book continues to be Ryo's favorite thing as of late. SO MUCH SAVINGS.

Our 6-month anniversary (little tiny flag of celebration) is next week and his roommates said they would hang out elsewhere for the night so we can have the house to ourselves and have a cozy steak and wine dinner. But I bet you anything Max and Haruka will show up in the middle of it and be like "oh, we didn't know" now that she always demands to be at the house.

This weekend will probably be like last weekend, but with more jacuzzi. Today I'm going to get coffee, go to Japanese and do nothing besides talk (it's starting to become my favorite class... the teacher grades ridiculously hard but I crack cannibal jokes on a daily basis and she doesn't mind) then go to English and read something that I know is going to be really good (YESSS ENGLISH TEACHERS WITH AMAZING TASTE) and then go to my Philosophy class, take a quiz, and be done for the day/week.

Hey Ashley thanks for suggesting to Ryo that he can marry me to get a green card, hahahaha.

life, ryo, cwu

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