Okay Like OMG!

Nov 08, 2005 13:50

Okay like wow.
Today... like... well no.
Okay like.
Yesterday, right?
Yeah like right like i was like wrestling...
And like... I Hurt my shoulder
And like i was in the emergency room until like late,(Like ew)
And it was okay.
But i missed time to do my homework and i wasnt like...
Feeling so great.
So i stayed like... at my house..
Like no.
Well like, i got bored and like, i made a new pair of underwear... And like... Wow.
You may like.. Enjoy it.
It's Hot.
And you'll never see it again.

Famous Pokemon Hat... This haircut is NOT working for me, and that was the gayest pose i could think of...
Well... 5th gayest pose... No offense to all our fag friends out there!

(Okay regular people version)
Yesterday after wrestling, i wrestled someone who was not on the team but used to be a varsity wrestler in a higer weight division, he PWNED me and i fucked up my shoulder, i went into the E.R. thinking it was a huperextesion or a dislocated rotator cuff, it turned out to be an overstressed tendon, go figure(Impact).

So I stayed home and took some totally hot pictures.
Please Be Advised; I want all of you to stay calm when you see them, My Head was not "Shaved"
But it was damn near close...It's growing back..








He Went To Bed

And Bumped His Head

And Didn't Get Up In The Morning

Or was it "Couldn't get up in the morning"
Or did I Miss a line entirely...
Well all the more reason to get a million comments.
Less than three,
And Simply, Bye=/+=)+<3333+<44444+<88888
And always Remember:
(That pissed someone off once,
As if to say "I Do Not Love You"...
God i hate my math teacher.)

Okay Ad-On/Revision:
Because I'm looking to make sure everyone sees pictures of me because 1:I'm a total attention whore-
(And I Am).
I'm going to Post one for each comment I get, as a reply because 2:I'm a total comment whore-
(And I Am).

By the way,
I'm also a total
Myspace Whore
And a total
El-Jay Whore.

For those who do not know me and my ways,
Let's keep an open mind,
Just hold the thought that I may be joking,
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