Kat's Meme: Pleading the Fifth

May 20, 2010 19:46

A song for each episode of Supernatural Season 5.

Sympathy For The Devil- "Uprising" by Muse:
For Dean's GED and Give 'Em Hell Attitude speech.
They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
And we will be victorious!
Good God Y'all- "Gods of War" by Def Leppard:
We're fightin' for the gods of war
But what the hell we fightin' for?
Free To Be You And Me- "Rise up With Fists" by Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins:
A cynical look at hypocrisy, the song starts out saying "you can't change things, we're all set in our ways" and yet "I will rise up with fists." (Are you sensing the rebellion theme yet?) Also, boys? Things never end well when you split up.
It's hard to believe your prophets
When they're asking you to change things
With their suspect lives, we look the other way
The End- "God Only Knows" by The Beach Boys:
For all the song mentions God a lot, it really has nothing to do with God. And no matter what God knows, he ain't doing jack shit about it. Anyway, this ep is about what Sam and Dean are without each other. And it is not pretty.

Fallen Idols- "Start Over" by Abandoned Pools:
Sammy is a overgrown man and Dean still wants him to be a chubby twelve-year-old wound up being something of a theme this season.

I Believe The Children Are Our Future- "Goodnight, Demon Slayer" by Voltaire:
Because kids shouldn't have to know about this stuff, but they do.
I won't tell you, there's nothing 'neath your bed
I won't tell you, that it's all in your head
This world of ours is not as it seems
The monsters are real but not in your dreams
Learn what you can from the beasts you defeat,
You'll need it for some of the people you meet
I already used this for a previous ep, so I'm changing the song for Bedtime Stories from S3 to "Brick By Boring Brick" by Paramore.

The Curious Case of Dean Winchester- "Believe In Yourself (Reprise)" by Lena Horne from The Wiz:
Oh Bobby, your legs are not what make you awesome. (I picked these as the season went along, so before Ms. Horne died, but it seems extra appropriate now to use her reprise and not Dorothy's original-prise[? I don't know what the word for that is].)

Changing Channels- "Trapped in a Box" by No Doubt:
Both for the stuck in the TV reference and for Gabriel trying to trap the boys in an angelic interpretation of their destiny.

The Real Ghostbusters- "#1 Fan" by Voltaire:
*pets the meta*

Abandon All Hope...- "Running the World" by Jarvis Cocker:
If they had just killed of Jo, I would have been okay with it, but then they kill off the awesomeness that is Ellen, too. So then the women-and-children-first-into-the-mass-grave bullshit rankled extra, and I wound up thinking of this song. I'm not sure of the song's intended meaning (it uses the C-word a whole lot), but my interpretation (particularly since it's from the Children of Men soundtrack) has always been that "[vaginas] are still running the world" because you need women to reproduce, but at the same time the patriarchy is degrading/oppressing those women (by calling them "cunts") and so they wind up powerless despite their power over reproduction. Okay, it all makes sense in my head, but I get why other people would be offended by the song, so I'm sorry about that, but it's still my song for the episode.

Sam, Interrupted- "Still Crazy After All These Years" by Paul Simon:
But I would not be convicted
By a jury of my peers
Still crazy after all these years
Swap Meat- "You're Pitiful" by Weird Al Yankovic:
Mostly for the idiot brigade messing with demons, but also for Dean for not figuring out the Not!Sammy sooner.

The Song Remains the Same- "Earth Angel" by The Penguins:
Back to the Future Part II.

My Bloody Valentine- "Owner of a Lonely Heart" by Yes:
Don't make me beat you with the Free Will Stick, Show.
You lose yourself
No not for pity's sake
There's no real reason to be lonely
Be yourself
Give your free will a chance
You've got to want to succeed
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid- "Devil Is A Loser" by Lordi:
I was tempted to use Zombies Are A Girl's Best Friend for this one because: Zombies! Headshots from a wheelchair! But Bobby's all sad and I feel bad about that. So I'm gonna focus on the part where Bobby is so awesome even Lucifer is afraid of him.

Dark Side of the Moon- "The Royal We" by Silversun Pickups:
I wanted to re-use "You're Pitiful" because my reaction to the end of the episode was that the stupid angsty boys need to get their shit together and save the damn world already. But I can't come up with anything else for that ep, and I can come up with something else for this ep, so.
How many times do you want to die?
How many ways do you want to die?
Do you feel safe again? Look over your shoulder.
Very carefully look over your shoulder
99 Problems- "Misery Is The River Of The World" by Tom Waits:
This song is about as close as I can get to understanding Dean's mindset, and I still think he's a moron. "Everybody row."

Point of No Return- "No One Knows" by Aşa:
The endings of the previous two episodes left me seriously cranky, so I was not entirely looking forward to this ep, and then there was squeeing and glee, so, "no one knows tomorrow". Also:
Tell me what's the need
To go to war/all the killings
Just to settle some one else's score
So if I die someday,
Will I be in heavenly places?
Singing alleluia with an angel
On the piano or will I be
Just another contribution
To the earth, the trees, the grasses?
As tomorrow slowly passes

Hammer Of The Gods- "Hotel California" by The Eagles:
While I appreciated the Army of Darkness reference, I was quite disappointed by Dean's lack of "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave," reference.

The Devil You Know- "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen:
"Because all tapes left in a car for more than about a fortnight metamophose into Best of Queen albums." Psst! Show! You really don't want to be reminding me of how much better Good Omens did the apocalypse! Though I must say I would not be opposed to Mark A. Sheppard playing Crowley if they did a movie adaptation.

Two Minutes to Midnight- "Let You Down" by Tin Star Orphans:
For Sammy. Because the four of you are all equally moronic screw-ups at this point.
Don't let me let you down,
Let you down,
Please don't give up,
Don't give up on me
Please don't give up,
Don't give up on me
I'm still alive,
I'm still alive and kickin'
Swan Song- "Title And Registration" by Death Cab For Cutie:
The Metallicar as the most important object in the history of the universe gets a big fat word. The rest of it gets a "meh". Psst! Show! You really don't want to be reminding me of how much better you used to be!

Link to the .zip

Link to every previous musical thought I've had in relation to Supernatural including the song memes for past seasons.

When you're in trouble, you can call DW.

supernaturally musical, music, supernatural

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