I'm gonna cram lots of stuff into this post

Aug 11, 2008 11:18

Just in case my internet's still not working when I get home. But it should be because someone from the cable company called me due to the message I left on Sunday, and said to unplug my modem for 10 minutes (while she reset something) and try again. Since my modem is plugged into a surge protector that is turned off, it has been and will be essentially unplugged for hours, so it'd better work. I need my precccccciousssssss.

Anyhoo, I definitely won't be a-granging after work today because I finished my book, and then opened it up and realized I had sewn some of the pages in upside-down (does anyone else drop one of the 'd's when they say that out loud?). At which point I threw it on the floor and yelled a lot because I'm just ever so mature that way. I will eventually make this book just to prove I can after the everything that can go wrong will go wrong catastrophe that was the making of it (and this weekend for that matter).

So in addition to my allergies running amok, royally fucking up the book I was trying to make at every turn, and going into internet withdrawal, did I mention that I have several very large (and very painful) pimples on my face one of which is oozing pus right this very moment?

My weekend could probably best be described thusly:
*falls to the cracked earth*
Help me. I've fallen and I can't get up.

Oh, and if you don't want mom to pick you up at Skip's, I could potentially leave work early, get there before rush hour, stay for during rush hour, and then when we leave at six it should be tail-end of rush hour.
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