Title: Your Girlfriend
Rating: PG
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Zuko, Katara, Mai.
Summary: A certain someone doesn't like Zuko's girlfriend. Not quite what is probably expected.
A/N: For the "Seven Days of CAPSTARA" challenge, over at
capslock_zutara. Day one's prompt is, "I don't like your girlfriend".
"Why, Zuko?"
He sighs. He knew she was going to eventually ask that question. However for him, it's more a question of "how", rather than "why".
Taking in his silence, she continues. "That girl (if I can even call her that) is nothing like you. The two of you are total opposites. You deserve better, Zuko."
She's trying to get him to be with her, but it's not working. At least, he thinks it isn't. "Opposites, huh?"
"Yes. Zuko, you're just so full of life. You know that, right? Maybe that's why I've always felt something for you. But her? What a bore."
He tries not to snort right in the her face. "A bore, eh?"
"I'm not joking, Zuko."
"When do you ever?"
The two teens stare at each other in silence. It's been a while since the fall of Fire Lord Ozai, and in the aftermath, Zuko had been terribly busy rebuilding the Fire Nation, as well as helping to fund rebuilding for parts of the Earth Kingdom.
She breaks the silence once more by letting out a huff of anger. He shifts to the right uncomfortably.
Another noise makes itself present on the other side of the room; someone opens the door. The girl makes a "hmphing" noise as another girl walks in with the smallest of smiles on her face.
"Good afternoon, Zuko." The new girl greets as she places a kiss on the Fire Lord's forehead. She turns to the left, a small "Oh" escapes from her mouth.
"I had no idea that we had company. Hello... Mai, was it?"
Mai bares her teeth in her own version of a smile. "Hello Lady Katara. Ah, I was just about to take my leave." She stands rather quickly, and nods slightly to Zuko. He nods back, and she leaves the room.
A minute or so after Mai's departure, Katara lets out the giggle she's been supressing. "Good spirits, Zuko. I can't believe you used to date that. I mean, talk about total opposites..."
Zuko sighs again. Girls are crazy.