Writer's Block: On Base

Oct 22, 2008 14:07

innuendo much?
man, my first kiss...uh. it was wet. i was a junior in high school, and he was a senior... i knew nothing about kissing but i did know that wet was gross, and that a senior boy should have learned to control his saliva by then. >_>;
we were in the movie theater (beware theater eleven! it's always the date theater) watching "Apocalypto"...right after the scene where the guy gets tricked into eating Tapier balls. Very romantic stuff right there.
I felt like crying during the kiss & afterwards...i had no idea why at the time but now i figure it was a combination of how i didn't think i deserved to be loved, let alone liked in general (emo, i know) and the fact that i've had awkward, uncomfortable situations in the past regarding sexual stuff. (then apparently he told people that I almost started crying...what an asshole >_> )


and as for the literal question...
i don't think i ever got to first base. i was always picked last and people always cut in front of me in the batting/kicking line.

writer's block

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