Hold My Beer! 3.1

Apr 13, 2013 00:49

I was able to pull another all-nighter (or an up-til-3-AM-er) and I've got the last generation of kids mostly all to teen.  I know some of them were still in diapers in the last update!  But I figure at this rate I'll be through with this challenge by the end of the weekend.  So expect this to move fast!


In the trailer right now there are 5 kids and one on the way...

Earl the Dragon, is the oldest.  Maybe he cooked that muffin with his fire breath...

The Twins:  Everett and Ellie.  He's a one neat point Gemini and she's a nine neat point Virgo.

The Other Twins:  a boy named Elmer and a girl named Enolia.  They are surprisingly NOT crying right now.  Seriously, this has been the crying'est couple of babies I've ever had in the game!  They are this generation's topic of "Questionable Legitimacy" that the extended family whispers to each other about behind their hands, and they are actually the result of Edna having a one-date-fling with Jason Greenman.  Who I've never played or bred before, so this should be interesting!  To me anyway...

The fourth and final (DEAR GOD I HOPE IT'S THE LAST) pregnancy is still in the incubation stage.

This is Eric and Edna, in case you forgot.

Then there are four- THREE dogs!  I managed to capture the moment one of them ran away!  I always miss that!

I've lost count how many times a dog has run away this generation!  This time it's because Tequila (Jack Daniels' sister) hates his guts and they fight a few dozen times a day.  D:

Oops.  No one is gardening this generation (I got so sick of telling sims to do that!) and I've not seen an empty fridge since the founder was still around!

They are getting very low on cash now.  Since Eric is stacked with skills he's way too over-qualified to work any of the few jobs they are allowed to have.  I guess at some point I'll have to get Edna a job just to get them through to the end of the challenge.

"Everett!  Stop flinging it all over the room!  We don't have enough money to get more!"

I've never understood why Sims don't like birthday cake!  I mean, any time I've ever walked into a room and saw a new, frosted cake sitting there, it never occurred to me to act like I just got a math test sprung on me.  IT'S CAKE FOR GOSH SAKES!  Who isn't excited to see cake?!

So by now we all know that the presence of cake means a pop quiz birthday.  Time for the Greenman twins to show us what they've got in the way of personality and face lumps...

Elmer is a very neat one!  Face-wise, he's not bad.  I've actually seem worse (in this house!) and he'll likely be pretty cute later, even with Jason's weirdly small nose.

Enolia is next...

SOCRATES SANDALS!  ...   What the hell happened to her chin?!  D:

Also, the Scorpio genetics are back and WOW, is she a neat and mean little frog-faced thing.

So I spent two days staring at Frog Girl and before I knew it Eric was having the alien...

It's been YEARS since I've had an alien hybrid right from the Pollination Technician that didn't have black eyes.  He's also got a nose!  And if you've been paying attention to the naming theme, then you know I've been giving all the kids names that start with the letter E.

This little moon rock is a boy, so I named him Elvis.  :D

So with all four pregnancies done, all that's left is to keep them alive long enough to have an heir poll!

The nights are filled with strangely dressed, long deceased grandparents keeping the kids from ever fully filling up their energy bar while it's dark out...

The days are filled with dog fight dust...

A's are earned while I can still tell them to do their homework...
(That's Everett and Ellie.)

And pretty soon it's time for our first teen this generation!  Let's see if Teen Earl is better at picking out casual everyday clothes than Kid Earl was...

Well... that's closer.

Earl rolled Family (Grilled Cheese secondary) and wants to marry off 6 kids.  So of course he takes right to the toddlers in the house...

"That's right, my name is Earl!  You're such a good little doggy!  Good doggy."

Speaking of doggies!  I have no idea HOW Bullet managed to squeeze herself under that truck, but she must have been trying to get away from that skunk.  She obviously didn't take into account the fact that the skunk is much shorter than she is and was able to simply walk right under.  So Bullet got a face full of skunk musk anyway.

And for some weird reason Eric was fearing exactly that very scenario.  o_O

"OH GOD all the fishes that have died in this house!  I just know these won't last either!  Oh the humanity.  The mortality!  So. Much. Death..."

So he's having a hard time right now.  D:

Jack Daniels finally decided to make an appearance.  But he and Tequila are still enemies and I just know if I bring him back she'll start ripping into his hide again!  And then he'll run away again.  Right now she almost actually gets along with the other two dogs (since there are only a few fights a day instead of a few dozen  e__e ).  SO, I decided to give up Jack Daniels.  (the dog of course... the whiskey is staying put!)

Thanks to Earl and his Family Sim'ness compounded by his teenager baby-obsession, Elvis is always stuffed full of formula and lying on the kitchen floor.

But it's time for Elvis to become a toddler!  (Who I'm sure Earl will bathe 30 times a day then leave stranded in the yard.)

Elvis is the second absolute slob in the house (after Everett).  And I think he might be the first Sagittarius I've seen this whole challenge.

So Elvis brings the toddler population to three, and that's three toddlers more than I like to have around at any given moment.  But since he's got a few days to go yet, I can at least tell Elmer and frog Enolia to grow up now!

By the way, Elmer has spent every moment of is toddler'hood playing with the wooden blocks...

"OHMYGOSH!  I'm a real boy!  Now the Blue Fairy can help me find Geppetto!"

You ain't got enough nose for that analogy, kid.  And I'm too weary to think of anything else to go with that expression.  D:

Enolia's chin looks like it might have moved out of her neck a little.  If this trend persists, she could be mostly normal looking by adulthood.

Family Sim + Grilled Cheese Sim = feed ALL THE KIDS

I actually love that about this Aspiration combination.  Earl is embracing it.

And he doesn't dilly-dally with other stuff!  He brought this chick home from school for the first time today.

Too bad he didn't get any AP for that.

With the five older kids off to school (and Elvis potty trained with a bowl full of kibble handy) Eric and Edna can commence with the annual summer yard sale.  Which will likely be the last one of the challenge.  Unless I can manage to drag this out for another whole Sim Year.  *sigh*

Guh!  Apparently if the Grim Reaper shows up during business hours, the business loses a rank!

This time it's for Spot.  So with Spot's passing that leaves just two dogs on the lot.  I sure hope they live long enough to see the end of the challenge!

"I can see you're a lady who knows rocks!  And boy do we have rocks!  Freshly dug and still crawling with subterranean insects!"

The yard sale was kinda MEH and only netted them about 1200 simoleons.  That would have been okay if Eric hadn't broken the computer that morning!  So I've got to buy another one to help Edna find a job faster.  :P

Elvis is doing the pelvic swivel!  :D

What's even more awesome is that this is the last toddler.  No more bottles!  No more bunny heads!  No more potty training!

Provided Edna and Eric don't throw a surprise baby at me.  But they've not even tried to get pregnant since the first set of twins.  So maybe even they are done!  *fingers crossed*

Elvis grew up into a decent Hawaiian ensemble.  That clashes gloriously with his complexion.

And since birthdays always seem to occur in multiples, Everett and Ellie get to grow up tonight, too...

Ellie rolled Romance (Grilled Cheese secondary) and wants to be a Hall of Famer.  Everett is Popularity (Knowledge second) and wants to own 5 top level businesses.

That night Earl does something I've not seen since Bubba, the founder.  He makes a booty call.  e__e

He's not exactly "covert" about it.

The house is full of kids again and it's a fun and varied group this generation!

Ranging from complete and utter slobs, to religiously fanatical neat freaks.

Enolia is as mean as a snake.  While Everett is, well... totally clueless.

And Ellie is the queen of snarky opinions.

Culinary finally showed up and Edna was only able to work a single day before she was promoted to Hostess.  She's got way too many required skills and will end up getting promoted again beyond the level she's allowed, so she had to quit.  At least that was a little more money!

OMG I finally figured something out!  You can see Edna is really ticked off at Earl right now.  This has happened a few times; she's just suddenly and inexplicably furious at someone, usually Eric.  But now I know why!

She had just mopped up a puddle...

That Earl left there the night before!  So Edna, and her 10 neat points, was furious at him for leaving a mess.

This might be common knowledge, but I just play the game and don't usually try too hard to analyze the insane crap Sims do.  But yay me for working that one out all on my own without Rose having to explain to me what was going on.  XD

One of the habits I've gotten into after three generations of uncontrollable teens, is having an adult "make many" group meals that they automatically store in their inventory.  That way I can put out a platter of sandwiches if it looks like a hungry teen isn't compelled to make something for themself.

So while Edna is busy with that, I'm suddenly distracted by the sound of swirling hearts somewhere on the lot!

This girl tried to get her first kiss from Eric!  He (very wisely) rejected it.  After all, Edna's just behind that wall!

And she tried it again later!

"Arcadia, please!  I'm a married man!"

"But I'm in love with you, Mr. Hicks!"

"No, no no!  You aren't in love!  Though I do understand it if you are besotted with my charm, intelligence, and stunning good looks...  But it's merely infatuation is all!"

After that fiasco with Edna's mother back when Eric was still a teen, he might actually be afraid to screw up again!

Edna, in all her neatness, can't let the kitchen bin get too full before she autonomously empties it.  Eric took this moment to do that "look out window" thing that sims do.  I sometimes chuckle at the stuff they take notice of out there.  This particular lot happens to be crammed full of random crap, so I went in there to see what Eric was thinking about...

.... The garbage sack!

I hate to admit that this made me laugh until I had tears.  (It being 2 in the morning as I was playing this might have contributed to the humor...)

So what else did Eric look at?

The porch support...   Oookay.

And then....

He stared at absolutely nothing for a while.

Hey, I've actually done that!

This perplexed me for a minute.  I was pretty sure teen boys aren't supposed to enjoy a shower THAT much.  >_>

Then I realized it must be because Earl was wanting to "serve grilled cheese to" one of these two!

I'm assuming that anyway.

Edna's finally in the Slacker career and she has zero Charisma skill so there shouldn't be any chance she'll get promoted beyond Record Store Clerk.  Now maybe they can save up enough cash for a trip to that huge track of land they own in Three Lakes that the family has never laid eyes on because they've never been able to afford the airfare!

For the first time in decades the yard is actually CLEAN.  Maybe they can score some extra money from the Garden Club now...

It kills me that they love gnomes all over the place.  And rocks!  They were gushing about the gnomes and the rocks.

But that lone lemon tree on the lot is feeling a little "sickly" at the moment, so they didn't give us any money!  D:

"I...I've been rejected by the Garden Club. How has my life come to this?!  I used to be a successful Smuggler!  I was rolling in money and old ladies who wanted to woohoo me in the hottub!  Now look at me: I'm a diaper wrangler and a failure at gardening... and I live in a trailer."

OKAY.  Two more teens coming up!  Time for Elmer and Enolia The Chinless Wonder to roll the dice...

Elmer isn't too bad!  He's probably just Jason Greenman with a chin, but it works.  Elmer rolled Family (Romance second) and wants to be Captain Hero.

Oh gosh, now it's Enolia's turn.  *gulp*

I hate to say it, but I think she's adorable.  In fact, her face is the first one I've had born into the game that works with that pageboy hair.  I gave her some freckles, too.  She rolled Fortune / Romance and wants to be a City Planner.

But what of the chin?

It's trying to be a real chin!  She might just be a female version of Jason Greenman's face, but I like her anyway.  You have to love 10 neat points coupled with 1 mean!  She'll be the girl who busts some guy's nose for smiling at her, then insist that he let her put club soda on the blood stains so they don't ruin his shirt.

WHEW.  That was a lot of stuff.  That just leaves Elvis to become a teen in a couple of days.  But that's going to have to happen in then next update.  And I suppose I really could have done the heir poll now...  Guh, too tired.  That will be next time, too!


+challenge: trailer park
