Hold My Beer! 2.0

Aug 16, 2012 15:13

I'm back!  Though I should be doing almost anything else right now.  >_>  BUT, I realized I had a couple hundred photos in the storytelling folder that aren't posting themselves, so it falls back on me to do it.  Dangit.

Rules for this challenge can be found HERE.  It's still a work in progress!  If you are playing along, suggestions are welcome. :)


SO.  Last time we were here the heir, Bodean, finally became and adult.  Thus starting generation two..

He's... having some "issues".  D:

Mostly due to the fact he's a Fortune Sim and I'm sorry Bodean but you can't afford a flippin game that costs at least 5000 simoleons right now!  Fortunately (I guess) he's also a Grilled Cheese Sim and has some Wants that might be achievable.  UNfortunately he never gets points for eating or serving the stuff!  He just wants to influence people to make them and talk about them...

So far, not a single person is willing to discuss grilled cheese sandwiches with the guy...


This led to a day at Walmart trying to get random strangers to discuss grilled cheese with him and it's still not happening.  I refuse to let him marry someone who won't talk to the poor guy about a sandwich!

I don't have much hope for this, but on the off chance he can get the wishing well it might make finding a perfect match a lot easier!  So the Garden Club was called and Bodean asked them to inspect the "garden".  (I can only do this once a generation, and since it's technically the second generation now we can do this again.)

That's when I realized "Mrs. Robinson" is one of the Garden Club people!  Remember her?  She was Bodean's first kiss and first OTHER THING back when he was still a teen.  >_>  I'm glad I decided he wasn't going to marry her, because HELLO, Garden Club people only have one simoleon to their names when they move in!

Uni-Brow Lady spent some time "hiding" in the foliage and observing the resident Plantsim...

It's like the gorillas taking notes about Jane Goodall instead of the other way around.

NO WELL.  Oh well...

Back to the community lots for Bodean!  This time to the community pool...

JACKPOT!  Thank you woman at the pool!
(and the fact that Bodean has a swimsuit turn on might have contributed to this: 3 bolts - only while she's in the Speedo though)

Anyway, Nikki here is the lucky lucky Townie who gets to move into the trailer park and pop out kids like a Pez dispenser until she's too old and senile.

The next day I sent Bodean down to Walmart to get himself a better outfit.  Then he called up Nikki and asked her out on a date to the public pool...


Er.  I GUESS.  D:  She's a Family Sim!

I waited a full day before having Bodean call and invite Nikki to move in, just in case she was willing to swing by that night and drop off a date gift of some kind.  Heck no.  Why do none of these Townies leave gifts?!

Anyway, she moved in with a modest bit of cash.  That actually rang up correctly!

Nikki got a hair and makeup makeover, then she and Bodean spent the next 47 million hours trying to get a lullaby!  GAH.  I lost count how many tries it took, but this "No Lullaby" thing will end up becoming a recurring theme between these two.

Nikki had an impressive array of nice stuff in her inventory that will help a lot at the next yard sale.  But what really excited me is the fact that she had THIS:

ALIEN BABY TIME!  Maybe.  D:  You know how these things go...

So Bodean got busy that very night on a hobby that is so totally outside of his comfort zone I almost feel guilty making him do it.

Okay, take note!  After thinking about this and discussing it with my consultant (i.e. Rose) I've decided that every time your stargazing sims earn this reward from the Astronomy Club they have to commemorate the event by purchasing...

A flamingo light!   :D
The light only costs half of the reward, so you're still making some cash in the end.  As you can see, Bodean has managed to earn two of them in just a few nights.

So now trailer park life consists of waiting for Nikki's pregnancy to advance enough that she and Bodean can get married.

You know (though you might not becuase I'm kinda ignoring them) that there are other people in the house, including Bodean's two younger siblings!

Dallas is the one who is always being subjected to his father and mother being "GROSS!"  He's also a loincloth wearing Family Sim who wants to some day be the Education Minister.

Lurline is Dallas's twin sister.  She's a Popularity Sim who wishes to become The Law.  I have no idea if this has anything to do with the few dozen pay-off gnomes on the lot or not.

My founder Bubba, and his wife Jane.  Jane is dressed particularly nice right now because she's wearing her funeral outfit.  It's... for HER funeral.  :(

But she's nearly in the red right now and I'd like her to die platinum so she gets the hula dancers and the tiki drink.


So I had Jane and Bubba go on a date to get her some aspiration points...

WHEW.  And there's just enough time to make her RUN to the back of the lot.

Six PM on the dot.  I wanted her to die on the very back of the lot so her grave isn't in the way.  And I don't want to move it if I can avoid it so her ghost is at least moderately well behaved.

This is when my jaw hit the floor.  Jane left nearly 50,000 simoleons to the household!  :O

That's a lot of money.  Especially when the point of this challenge is to NOT have money.  lol  But I used the spouse scale for money and built them a doublewide trailer.  Finally!

(TPC players:  I'm going to add more to the rules in the next day or so concerning particularly HUGE sums of cash like this.)

That means adding a second 6 x 20 foundation onto the existing trailer.  I'm only allowed to delete the wall that runs between the two trailer halves (no other walls).  At this point I realized I messed up by putting the hallway in the original trailer in the front instead of the back!  That made adding rooms tricky... but I managed.

The end result added a third bedroom and a third bathroom.  They now have a real dining room (that used to be the living room), a bigger kitchen, and a much larger living area!  The former kids' room ended up in the center of the house without any windows, but that's where the toddlers will stay and play and they don't care about environment.

I bought them a second truck and the old junker.  They also got a tree and a tire swing!

I got them a better refrigerator when I remodeled the kitchen so the old fridge (and the old couch) sit on the back porch now.

I moved the garden and the pond to the other side of the yard, and the porch was enlarged and railings added.  It's also where the punching bag career reward Nikki brought into the household goes.

ANYWAY.  Boring makeover pics.  Time for a wedding!

Nikki is only a couple of hours away from giving birth!  I'm hoping I can time this so she has the baby during the wedding party for those extra points.  :D

OH, and thanks to Jane's huge life insurance policy, they also got to buy the wedding arch!  Now maybe the guests will actually watch the ceremony...

Sigh.  Oh well.  Bubba, Dixie, and Jethro watched at least.

The other guests never made it past the dreaded Smustle Zone.  >_<

Oh and check out Clyde's formal wear.  I LOL'd.  He lost points for not making it around the house in time to see the ceremony, though.

Success!  :D  Baby number one is on the way!  +5 points you all

Notice where Bodean is during the birth of his first child.  He's probably wondering why Nikki is making so much freakin noise while he's trying to chew his grilled cheese.  You have to chew each bite exactly 27 times in order to release the essential oils and Taste Molecules.  Too few chews and you are not experiencing the full deliciousness!  Too many and you have rendered the bite completely useless!  It takes concentration.

Anyway, it's a boy with blond hair.  I named him Rocky.

There was enough time left on the party clock for Nikki to mingle with the guests.  It turns out this is a guy she's already best friends with.  Excellent!  She's also got considerable boltage for him.  Most excellent!  Expect to see more of Todd Kearney again...

The party ended as a good time.  And Bubba did his best to try to empty the Fruit Punch Barrel on his own.

Oh, should any of you run into a problem with the fruit punch barrel not depreciating to zero after it's empty, just put it in someone's inventory and forget about it.  You just can't sell it!

Bubba's two youngest kids FINALLY grow up!

Lurline didn't do so great, but at least she avoided the Therapist.

Dallas did better!  Except where clothes are concerned.  (WTF was Maxis thinking with those too-short shirts?!)

Dallas and Lurline moved out right away, leaving Bodean wondering why HE'S still there.

Before you know it, it's Rocky's birthday.  And I would like to point out that Nikki isn't pregnant again yet.  Though not for trying!  I've had she and Bodean trying for another lullaby since the day Rocky was born!

Anyway, speaking of Rocky...

Eee hee!  :D

He resembles Bodean in some ways but he's not a clone, thank goodness.  Except for his personality.  e___e  Same exact Scorpio points as his father.

While Bodean and Nikki try one more time (or three more times) to get a lullaby, it's up to Bubba to take care of the toddler.  Since Bubba managed to become Perma Plat thanks to that FreeTime perk thing, he gets to energize and dole out the smart milk...

But he's not immune from Death By Ghost!  :O

Jane did try her best, but fortunately Bubba was able to stay alive for now.

Also, after the billionth try without a lullaby, I decided it's time to have Nikki call up her old pal Todd and ask him to meet her at the pool...

"Nikki, aren't you married now?"

"Look Todd, this will be a lot more enjoyable for both of us if you just shut up."

He kept his mouth mostly shut and we got a lullaby first try!

Later that night while Nikki was puking, Bodean reached maximum enthusiasm in stargazing.  Now he can actually "search for UFOs" and increase his chances of being abducted.

Then the next morning brought a pleasant surprise...

GENIE LAMP!  :D  I'm undecided how to use this at the moment.  I don't want to make them all Perma Plat just yet, and I need to reserve one wish in case we need to use it to resurrect someone.  Decisions decisions.  But yay, lamp!

I know I keep forgetting to mention that there are four dogs on the lot.  But they are just dogs and go about their doggy lives in the background.  There's no time for training them, so I just make sure someone keeps their beds clean and their bowls filled, and I basically ignore them the rest of the time.

Or I TRY to, anyway...

Remember Tick?  She's the world's hungriest dog.  THAT is a full food dish next to her!   And it's not the only one...

There are four full food dishes!  Even the most expensive one in the catalog that I bought just for her picky, finicky butt!  Yet she continues to generate at least 5 "What Kind of Low Life Pet Owner Are You?!" pop-ups every day.

Frankly, I'm amazed she made it to old age without starving to death!


She had better be gaining nutrition from that.  e___e

Of course Rocky uses his Smart Milk to sit on the back porch and complain he can't get down the steps.  Then when it wears off he goes and plays with the skill toys.  *facepalm*

The number of dogs is now reduced by one, as old Chester (the first adopted stray) is beckoned to that great pet run in the sky.

Thanks for not being annoying, Chester.  *glares at Tick*


FAILURE.  D:  No lullaby.  Crapolla.

Well, on to plan B...

I've been scraping together Bubba's income pennies and Bodean's Astronomy Club bonuses and was able to buy the Dance Sphere.  This is guaranteed to produce an alien baby after a sim has already been abducted!   Bodean just needs to hurry up and man up and get busy on those body skill points.  :P

This might take as long as the telescope did.  *sigh*

*SIGH*  Some pictures can potentially take way too long to explain properly.  Short Form explanation:

That's Bubba dressed as a clown.  He's making a booty call.   -____-

It's Bubba's last day and THIS is what I picked for his funeral outfit.  Becuase regular ghosts aren't scary enough.

So moments after having him change his everyday outfit, he heads for the phone and makes a booty call.  To whom?

Well... now she's more like Lolita.   D:  D:  (I just know I'm going to hell because I don't control my sims better!)

Anyway, they finished their, um, "circus act" just in time for me to send Bubba running for the back of the lot...

Where he joined Jane in the afterlife.

This is going to be an awesome ghost.  :D  Clown phobias ahoy!

But there's new life happening as well.  Meet Rosco.

Then promptly forget he exists because even I had to open the game just now to see what the heck his name was.  >_<

A few hours after Bubba passed on, I decided to go ahead and tell Rocky to grow up.  I can only take but so many toddler days!

Aw!  It's amazing how the squishiest toddler faces can sometimes be the best looking Sims later.  Though, I'm not going to hold my breath for Rocky's face to turn Super Model at any point.

MAN, this was a busy evening!  Death, birth, birthday, more birth... (with some clown woohoo thrown in)

A girl!  And there's no mistaking her for Bodean's progeny.  >_>   Her name is Marigold.

SO, that's it for now.  With Bubba's insurance payout I built them another trailer on the lot.  (I also bought them a third pickup truck and another old junker.)  The extra trailer is complete with kitchen and bathroom, per the rules, but I've locked the doors so no one can go in.  I might use it for something later.  At the very least, it's extra sleeping space!

If any of you would like to download the community pool I made, you can find it here.

Y'all come back now, hear?

+challenge: trailer park
