I haven't been able to even turn on my computer since band camp started. I've been drop-dead exauhsted for seven days.
Camp was tough. Leadership sucks. But hey, this is the hardest part, right?
I certainly hope so.
In other news, I got a phone call from
callmehattie this morning. He says there's been power outages all week and he can't get to a computer. It's been raining nonstop, so he can't go outside. They mixed up his medication on Tuesday and he barfed up his guts for two days straight. Good job, guys. I feel so bad for the guy. He's really lonely. He at least has his sanity guitar.
Last but not least, KEIRA. Where and when are we meeting? If I gave you a time, I forgot what it was. It'll take me a couple hours to get downtown, and even longer to get to the transit center. So. Let me know quickly.