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aevenien April 3 2013, 19:21:55 UTC
Would ♥ to give:Picspams (well, I have none graphic skills, but I’m pretty good and finding gifs and making a story of them),
cheerleading and no-grammar beta (English isn’t my first language and I know nothing about commas, but I love discussing plots and psychology),
postcards from Poland,
fangirling about Dylan’s face and Hoechlin’s everything,
lots of squee about Teen Wolf, TW fics and art and everything related to Teen Wolf (SORRY, it ruined me for good)
and of course fics recs!

Would ♥ to get: Friends! Letters, postcards, SURPRISES! I’d love some icons or ficlet too. Basically anything? :D

my fandoms: Teen Wolf. Teen Wolf. And more Teen Wolf? But I have tons of recs from Inception too ;)
I also watch many things, The Good Wife, Firefly, Sherlock, Grey's Anatomy, SPN, Arrow, House of Cards and I love Avengers and TSN :D


ronsoftie April 4 2013, 08:00:51 UTC
How about swapping postcards? Mine would come from Germany :)


aevenien April 4 2013, 09:53:48 UTC
Awesome :D Is there any specific kind of postcards you like?


ronsoftie April 4 2013, 15:56:21 UTC
:D Any postcard would be lovely, maybe one of your city? Do you have any particular postcard wishes? There isn't a huge collection in my town though ;)


aevenien April 4 2013, 16:18:48 UTC
Okay, we have some beautiful postcards :)
I want some colorful?

I'm dropping you a message with my address and adding you :D


ronsoftie April 4 2013, 17:39:15 UTC
Okay, I'll be looking for something colourful for you :)

Adding you back :D


aevenien April 4 2013, 19:25:08 UTC
Cool, I'll serch for the best city postard during weekend :D


dunderklumpen April 4 2013, 20:48:16 UTC
I second the offer of a postcard from Germany:)


aevenien April 4 2013, 20:49:14 UTC
Awesome :D
And what would you like to get?


dunderklumpen April 4 2013, 21:12:33 UTC
Would be a fic okay? I would love some Sterek.

Preferably a mating AU á la A has to choose B for whatever reason.

I'm also happy about a potcard if your muse doesn't want to inspire your writing.


aevenien April 4 2013, 21:16:48 UTC
I can't write :((( I mean, I have this one fic started for ages, but I'm not good with writing. And English isn't my first language, so it's even harder.

Maybe a picspam? Or some fic recs? Or a postcard ;)


dunderklumpen April 4 2013, 21:24:44 UTC
I'm sorry! I read your entry and misunderstood. I thought you write...

A round of reccing? - What about your favourite Teen Wolf stories? I know a bunch but maybe there are some out there I really should have read but don't know about. So...


aevenien April 4 2013, 21:26:15 UTC
Maybe one day ;)

Sure! Okay, you HAVE to give some limit there, 10, 20, 50? XD And are there any topic/tropes/things you don't like to read?


dunderklumpen April 4 2013, 21:32:37 UTC
I'll take as many as you're willing to give. That could be 10 or 50:)

I'm a sucker for AUs but I think I've read most of them already. I prefer completed fics unless the WIP is so good that I just can't wait until it's finished.

I like all the mating tropes including all the scent, heat, omega/alpha stuff.

But to be honest I read basically everything if it's half good.


aevenien April 4 2013, 21:36:03 UTC
Okay! Challenge accepted! I hope I'll find at least ten fics you haven't read!
Anything you won’t read no matter what? Like mpregs or something?

I should post on lj or do you want an email, doc, pdf?


dunderklumpen April 4 2013, 21:45:08 UTC
I read more or less aimlessly through Teen Wolf fandom. So chances are big that I missed one of the classics out there nevertheless.

No incest, brocest, explicit torture or overly dark!fic (although well written dark!fic can be great sometimes as well). Otherwise I read everything.

Post wherever and however you like. Just send me a link to the entry and I'll be good:)


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