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vix_spes April 3 2013, 17:19:42 UTC
Would ♥ to give: Postcards from London, Ficlets, Picspams, Friendship/Love/Squee, Letters, Recs, Beta services

Would ♥ to get: Postcards/Letters, Friendship/Love/Squee, Fics, Art, Podfic, Picspams ... anything really!!

My fandoms: Merlin, Harry Potter, Avengers, Sherlock, The Hobbit are my main fandoms at the moment plus I dabble in Torchwood, XMFC, Criminal Minds, Lord of the Rings


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vix_spes April 3 2013, 19:44:23 UTC
I would love another postcard from you bb! What would you like in return?!


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vix_spes April 4 2013, 19:51:01 UTC
I would be delighted to beta paperlegends for you ... obviously I can't know what my commitments will be like when you need me so I would get another beta as well but I would seriously love to help out. And yes, I would love another postcard from you ♥


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vix_spes April 5 2013, 19:49:14 UTC
Pleasure bb, I look forward to reading it!!

Erm, favourite colours are black, green and purple - darker shades of both rather than anything ridiculously bright!


gabe1990 April 3 2013, 21:58:35 UTC
I did forget to add this on my comment thingy, but I love the Hobbit <3

I'd love a fic for a fic? :)


dunderklumpen April 3 2013, 19:21:37 UTC
You know I'm a n00b at art but everything else is fair game. You can decide what you want to get from me:)


vix_spes April 3 2013, 19:48:34 UTC
I'd love anything really but a ficlet or a picspam would be lovely?! What would you like in return?


dunderklumpen April 4 2013, 11:15:55 UTC
Mh... let me think a little about it... If I'm inspired you'll get a fic. Otherwise a picspam it is:)

Can I get a Thilbo ficlet (if your muse allows it)? That would be great!


vix_spes April 4 2013, 14:06:22 UTC
I will happily write you Thilbo or attempt to but as I've never written it before any chance you can give me some hints of what you would want? Canon or AU or modern AU? H/C?


dunderklumpen April 4 2013, 20:44:19 UTC
It's a often used trope but I would love a Thorin who courts Bilbo but Bilbo doesn't know it because in the Shire they don't have these strict and sometimes really strange traditions:)

If that's too complicated I'm happpy about everything with these two. Even if it's a bit of male bonding at the fire. The only thing required is a Happy Ending.


vix_spes April 4 2013, 20:48:53 UTC
That's not too complicated ... I shall do my very best to come up with something :)


blue_eyed_1987 April 3 2013, 20:01:16 UTC
hihi! I could send you a postcard, or maybe write you a ficlet thing?


vix_spes April 3 2013, 20:10:54 UTC
I would love either! What would you like in return?


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