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tambear13 October 3 2012, 21:33:01 UTC
Would ♥ to give: Postcards from Ireland, Music/Book/Film recs, drabbles or ficlets, anything Irish -- tea, sweets etc. mixtapes (well cd's really), pictures! Recipes! Anything that is in my power to give ♥

Would ♥ to get: Anything and everything! Recs, postcards, letters (I love getting post that isn't bills :) ) tea (serious addiction!), chats with new friends! icons or any graphics would be amazballs :) pictures -- I love seeing places I've never been! Bradley James if anyone happens to have him hidden in their closet! :) recipes -- I love to bake!

my fandoms: Merlin, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, True Blood, Downton Abbey :)


letsgofriday October 3 2012, 22:59:13 UTC
Awh, Irish fen make me happy. I should edit my post to include a bag of Taytos, only they'd be crushed in the the post :( because we live in the same island and therefore a stamp is only 55c, would you like to post each other a postcard?


tambear13 October 4 2012, 00:15:16 UTC
*high-5 the Irish!* I'd love to send you a postcard! :)

I was thinking about putting Tayto on my list of Irish stuff but like you I thought they'd get all squished and broken :) My sister lives in New Zealand and she's always asking us to send her crisps like Tayto and Meanies and Chip Sticks but all she gets is a bundle of crumbs :)


letsgofriday October 4 2012, 17:16:31 UTC
Meanies! Crisps of the gods, although I'm partial to some Snax from time to time.

My email is letsgofriday at gmail dot com. (LJ Mail feels skeevy to me!)


fleete October 3 2012, 23:28:45 UTC
I'd love to make you some icons!! Any particular fandom/character/pairing you're itching to have in icon form?


tambear13 October 4 2012, 00:18:42 UTC
Oh wow! :) I'd love an Arthur/Bradley icon featuring that beautiful bottom of his if that's okay? :)

I can offer everything off your list except icons (I suck at anything involving photos) or knitted goods -- unless of course you'd like a bundle of knotted wool? :D


fleete October 4 2012, 00:35:48 UTC
XD Oh, these are going to be such fun icons to make. *rubs hands together in anticipation*

How about friending? :D I'm always up for new friends, especially in Merlin fandom!


tambear13 October 4 2012, 00:38:40 UTC
Oh yay! *claps hands*

New Merlin friends are great -- especially with Season five starting in three days! Squeee! :D There may (read very probably) be hyperventilating posts on my page from Saturday till December!


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tambear13 October 4 2012, 00:34:54 UTC
I'm sure Wisconsin is a very cool place - I happen to know that ye spawned Gene Wilder and I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :D

I would love to get a postcard! Why don't you send me your address in PM and I'll send you mine back!


analise010 October 4 2012, 00:57:46 UTC
Game of Thrones and Downton, ftw! I would love to exchange recipes and letters, either virtually or through mail, but I live in the U.S., so that might be a bit costly. I LOVE TO BAKE TOO!!!!!!


tambear13 October 4 2012, 13:42:02 UTC
Yes, Downton for the win - I now love Sunday nights again :) Can't wait for the next season of GoT!

I would love to exchange letters and recipes with you -- yay for baking!! -- do you mind if we do it virtually?


analise010 October 4 2012, 16:02:56 UTC
Virtual things are the best things since they are cheaper and faster and have images. I will PM you my email address.


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tambear13 October 4 2012, 13:42:36 UTC
Oh yes! I would love a postcard from NY :) I'll send you my address in a PM!


fizzyblogic October 4 2012, 02:35:36 UTC
Eeee, you like Merlin and Game of Thrones! (And you're Irish! I love Ireland and the people and things it contains.) Let's be friends :D


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