this was interesting

Apr 15, 2007 11:18

So, here is another interesting story I got from a friend's blog.

Would you have recognized Joshua Bell playing in a DC metro station?

I know I wouldn't.  Sadly, I doubt I would have even stopped.  I probably would have assumed it was like another other street performer that I've seen in NYC, San Francisco, Boston, Baltimore, DC, etc.  I tend to always believe that these people bring in fairly good money doing it, which Joshua Bell pointed out (he made $32 in an hour).  At the same point, I don't think I could tell a really good musician from an ok one.  I know I never really like the people who play the same songs all the time (ones I've heard).  I tend to like the people who playing very interesting beats with drums or something.  This article really made me think about this.  What would make you stop to listen or even give money to a musician on the street in a large city?

dc, music

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