Jul 30, 2005 22:59

long entry to make up fer no entries in a week

This week was soooooooooooooo good! i love camp in general. Y camp, band camp, every camp just about. Who couldn't? All we need now is a jet ski camp. The Y already has a roller coaster camp. I think Roof (sean whinningham) sed he got to do tha one a couple weeks ago. Tha'd b soo much fun!

Hopper's top 5 camp's
1.Jet Ski
3.Rock Climbing
4.F1 (Formula 1 race car driving)
5. Beach Camp

This week was Band camp. and im a senior finally! So tha made it tha much more fun! and this yr im executive officer and section leader, which means i dont hafta take crap from peeps i dont want. ^_^ like a certain past section leader. but tha hardly looks like it'll b ne problem this yr! The music i ok. some challenging, but it already seems we've got it mostly down pat. specially the 1st's. Our trumpet instructer this yr was mark again. I love tha guy, he really inspires me ta actually wanna play and learn the stuff really well. I think i might use some of my scripts money fer leasons from him. and i remember peach telling me something about the band boosters giving lil scholorships fer leasons, er something like tha, so i think i'll ask peach about tha again, cuz his leasons r so freakn expensive $40 an hr! sheesh!

This week seniors tried to plan so hard this huge ambush of a shaving cream and water balloon fight. we were gonna get em right after the whole prayer service. "we're going to start a new tradition and take a walk out onto the prayer walk in the back thaz when we'd lead em to the practice football feild give em five seconds to scater and grab some water balloons we made up fer them, and we then we'd charge at em with cans of shaving cream and some balloons of our own. It was such a good plan... we even had it set up perfectly tha day.. but needless to say it didnt go. the service went to long so it was suspended and the jr.'s declared a water balloon fight fer tha night neways, so we waited till then. The service was good tho. I know i shed a couple tears... im not good about crying and all tha stuff... if sumone else starts to, i usely shed a couple too. I've been waiting 3 yrs to do tha reflection. sr reflection. every yr i'd plan it out in my head, exactly wat i was going to say, wat i wanted to say it least. Then tha day when it came time to say wat i wanted to say, do wat i wanted to do, it hit me... and time just kinda froze fer the couple moments b4 i went and its like wat the hell? Wat The Hell.? is this moment really happening or about to? what do i do? what do i say? i want to say it all.. but yet i dont, cuz i dont know how to. So i sed some meaning full stuff tha i wanted to and read the lyrics to one of my favorite advice songs ever: Baz Lurhman ~ Everybody's free to wear sunscreen. I wish i coulda done it better, but im satisfied with wat i did do. I loved what some of the others srs sed. it ment a lot to me, as im sure it ment tuns to them. pouring ur heart out is kind of odd, but theres just about no other group i'd want to pour mine out to than the band.

Then when we came out of the service turns out past sr alumni and the jr.s made our cars... well ... a lil more unique. (tha car marker stuff all over our windows n lights and silly string) lol specially stacy's, even tho hers was kinda hidden, do to the set up of the whole ambush of everyone. so then me,stacy, rache, mike, and chasrlie, went back there to pick everything up and and me and her got in our own shaving cream fight. ^_^

Then came the picnic. O the picnic! Greatest yet!!! remember tha water balloon fight tha got suspended earlier? It got moved there. It was huge!!!! The shaving cream was a blast! everyone was covered head to toe in it. I had some still in my ear when i came home! im guessing 40-60 peeps were involved. It lasted bout half an hour. Then we played football in it. and then we got hosed off at OLG. soo great!

Next was kevin's shin dig thing. The drunkn people from my work called like the min i got there but i decided not to answer, they were at another party, i was invited, but i was to tired to go there to. n its not like i'd b able to do nething with em. all they do is drink and go down to broad ripple and screw (not the way ur thinking u sick people!) with the drunks on the road (although water gunning them and flower bombing them did sound fun, but they all get drunk first) and i still wanted to go to kevins, so screw tha party. Mary kate was their and keith and andy and amanda! amanda had to leave early tho. then the rest of us stay up till like 2 am and layed on each other. then mary kate had to leave, and kevin let me sleep in his bed and the guys slept out on the air mattress. then we all awoke, ate some really good breakfast, and watched LOR uncut. I left at noon :( and returned home. Finally i fell a sleep on the kitchen counter, got moved to the couch, and did sum other stuff with family. N now I'm here! editing the dvd of course. but still finally im staying put in one place. n can sleep!

If u got this far in reading Congrats! and happy buckets of pinnapples!

band camp

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