Mar 07, 2005 16:24

i'd say it's time for an update.
What's new you ask?
I'll tell you.
I finished "on the road" and found myself wanting to be infused with the same excitment and movement these characters had. Kerouac and Neal Cassady had no care on the planet other than discovering their their lives, and having this thing called IT. A book that motivates you to get off yr ass and DO.
As amazing as jack was for writing the novel, the more important man here is Neal Cassady.

A hero to any who have felt like they were stuck with nothing. and an inspiration.

Now, Sarah has the book and she's moving through it a thousand times faster than i moving on and read kerouac's other work, "the Dharma bums" . this is about the search for Zen and truth thru buddhism in Northern California, alongside Allen Ginsberg, (named Alvah Goldbook in the book)

But beyond that, i have many acronyms to take care of.
SAT by may something
AP this week
DMV THiS WEEK. ive put this shit off for a year, and need to get it done. if you see me make sure you remind me.

Im sensing springs return, let's hope for the best, but not get to excited just yet.

ive been listening to alot of jazz, and folk lately.
Mainly Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, and nick Drake.

and i've been making and RECORDING plenty. might have somethings up soon. im a bit worried they're TOO inspired. will probably re-work some of it.

tommarow i give blood. so they tell me i should be drinking lots of water, andi have, and i havent pissed this much since, awhile. but i get out of chem and algebra, so it works.

and finally

ANYONE WANT GMAIL? i got like 45 invites, so whoever wants em.
lemme know

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