Sep 13, 2006 11:18
Yeah, you heard me...bbbbbooooorrrrrrreeeeeeeeedddddddd.
I got dragged out of bed because I had to come to school. So I'm in the library. And I'm bbbbbooooorrrrrrreeeeeeeeedddddddd. Joey's over at the table over there, but he's reading so I don't wanna go bother him. I'm fuckin' exhausted, too...last night was the third or fourth night in a row I've only gotten like 4 hours of sleep. Blahhhh.
This weekend's going to be crazy, though. It's the weekend after Melissa's birthday (she wasn't here last weekend for it), so she's having a shitload of friends come up, all are staying for different amounts of time. My mom and my aunt are coming Friday afternoon to check out the finished apartment.
Semester is crazy hectic already and it's only the first few weeks, so blah to that. But despite all that, I'm very happy. For the first time in my college career I started off a year happy. It's the first time I've had a solid group of friends to come back to, really. I love them more and more everyday.
I'm going to two concerts with Joey next week, Tuesday and Wednesday I's going to be so much fun. I can't wait.
Shit. I'm running out of things to talk about and I still have a half hour till I meet Shannen for lunchy.
I'm missing my hometown people, and I really think they should all make road trips.
Justine and her stupid work. :P
Diana said she'd come up though! After she makes it through September.
I see someone across the library that looks kind of like Andy from a distance. I was like hey what is he....oh, nevermind.
I also see Melissa's ex. He's a douche bag times ten.
Have you guys ever seen Orgazmo? If not, you should.
And never see a movie called Demons at the Door. Worst movie ever made...and don't argue with me on that until you've actually seen it. It's a movie starring Joey's cousin and uncle. It's so bad it's funny. But not in a good way. It was almost painful to watch. He said that the first time he tried to watch it he didn't make it all the way through. After we finished watching it all together this weekend, he thanked us for making him sit through it, lol. THAT'S how bad it is. It was cheesier than the Power Rangers.
This week we're hopefully going to rent The Gingerbread's a movie with Gary Busey starring as a killer gingerbread man. Should be horrible....but I'm also expecting it to be absolutely hilarious. Gary Busey. lol. Does anyone watch Celebrity Fit Club? I was flipping through channels and passed it, and saw that Busey was on it with a medicine man and spiritual musicians or something like that. Then he started dancing and screaming like a girl, it was hilarious. To me. Maybe it's just because of the gingerbread man thing though. Idk.
20 minutes. can I waste your time more? Let's see.....
I can't think of anything. You're off the hook :P