May 11, 2005 23:01
so basically things hav been pretty damn bad lately.. wen anyone dies, it is always a tragedy that bring much sorrow.. so the fact that recently, there have been two deaths that affect our skool and our lives, life has not been the best it can be.. though through these times i hav had one person there for me through thick and thin.. u kno it shows how strong a relationship really is wen one person fucks up big time (me) and ur frend takes u back and things get back to normal.. now she knows who she is and she definitely made these past few days more bearable for an already troubled heart.. she's a great girl.. but back to the tragedy.. Rest In Peace Brian Anderson.. you succeeded in everything that you did and you will be SORELY missed.. Rest In Peace Chris Carfi.. you faught so hard against and unbearable pain.. and for that many look up to you.. you were a guiding light in many people's lives.. you will be missed..
~~~~~God smiled down on to his children on earth.. He decided that it was time to add to his endless flock of angels.. So as they ascend into to paradise, let us all remember the people that they wer and the people that they will remain inside of us all..~~~~~
so i hav that feeling inside of me that im missing out on sumthin that i dont want to be.. its like a feeling of almost anxiety/sorrow.. like i cant complain about much in my life b/c things normally go pretty good.. but i hav that feeling like i hav a gap that needs to be filled.. call it an insecurity if u want.. it probably is.. but this time its different.. idk if anyone has any idea wut im talking about, but for the few that may, i think u kno where im goin w/ this.. i feel like im in a room full of great people and full of reasons to be happy.. yet at the same time im lost and alone.. kinda weird yes, but its just the way it goes..
so school is tomorrow and i really dont wanna go.. i hate skool and there is nothing i wuld rather do than just be done w/ it all.. but the interesting thing is that everyone wants to be done w/ high skool so bad b/c the work is overwhelming and b/c they just dont wanna be there anymore.. well college is gonna be a fuckin pain in the ass wen the work load hits its peak.. many of my frends will be in traveling distance of each other for like a day trip or sumthin.. i, on the other hand, will be out in Columbus, fuckin Ohio.. away from everyone.. that fact takes its toll on my heart at times.. ive been told that certain people dont think they will ever see me again.. lol.. thanx guys.. that helps.. lol.. but in all seriousness, wen the day comes where we get our diplomas, i kno that the tears will be flowing on my face b/c at that moment, i will realize that it REALLY WILL be the last time i see people.. and it duznt matter if u like the people or u dont.. everyone has an effect on u life in some way.. so even if u absolutely hate somebodys guts, u will miss them all the same..
i just wish i dont miss out on a really important thing.. that will be left unsaid.. im out.. peace yo..