Friday Fives: Now and Always. Feminism. Nudity and Body Awareness.

May 21, 2007 23:59

From fridayfiver: Now and Always

1. What was on your mind yesterday?

Yesterday, I was thinking about Callaway and how I was going to deal with being away for the whole summer.

2. What is on your mind today?

The same things are on my mind today that were on my mind yesterday. Additionally, I am thinking about silks, and how I can choreograph a burlesque silks routine.

3. Do you like bonfires?

Yes, I do. I like them even more if s’mores, friends, or  drum circles are involved.

4. Do you believe in the paranormal?


5. Can you swim?

Yes, and I love swimming.


From altfriday5: Femininism

1. What is your personal idea of what "a feminist" or "feminism" is?

I think that feminism is a misnomer. Feminism is defined first as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” ( I believe that those ideas of equality would be better called something else, perhaps, equalism.

The term feminism conjures up ideals of female superiority and radical belief systems. If people properly understood what feminism stood for, I wouldn’t take issue with the term, however, feminism is viewed so negatively by so many, that I think the group identity may sometimes be detrimental to social change.

2. Do you consider yourself a feminist? Why or why not?

I won’t walk around calling myself a feminist, although I believe that women, and all groups,  should have equal rights. I believe in equal pay for equal work, reproductive freedom, and protection from sexual harassment or violence. I also like the bumper sticker, “Feminism is the radical notion that women are people too.”

3. Do you believe that men can be feminists? Why or why not?

I believe that if a man wished to identify as a feminist, he certainly can. Furthermore, I believe that men can support equal rights for all people without assuming a feminist identity.

4. What, in your personal view, are the good things that feminism has inspired in the world, if any?

During both the first and second waves of feminism, the community of activists fought for and achieved major changes; women’s suffrage, the right for women to work outside of the house, Roe v. Wade, a voice against sexual violence, and creating support networks for women.

5. What, in your personal view, are the bad things that feminism has inspired in the world, if any?

I think that the lingering attitude that “women are oppressed by a male patriarchy” is self-pitying and unproductive. I tend to reject any radical or separatist movements, and I think that radical, separatist feminists attract negative publicity. I also think that at times, the feminist movement has neglected the plights of women of color and lesbian women. I am also bothered by the lesbian anti-pornography movement. Different people enjoy different types of sexual expression, and as long as it is between consenting adults, I see no issue.


From thefridayfive: Nudity/ Body Awareness

1. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?

I used to go skinny-dipping a lot when I was younger. When no one is around, I will still skinny-dip in my hot tub.

2. When you're home alone, do you strip down to get comfortable? Do you ever go out without underwear (bra and/or panties) because it's more comfortable?

When I am home alone, I am fond of wearing just a shirt and underwear, or sometimes just bottoms and a bra.

On occasion, I will go out in public without wearing a bra, but I generally find a bra to be comfortable during the day. I like wearing underwear under my clothes, although once again, I have made exceptions.

3. Have you ever/Do you use the bathroom with the door open? Are you comfortable using public facilities?

I have used the bathroom with the door open, and if I am the only one at home, I don’t always close the door all the way.

I don’t mind using public facilities, although like most people, I think my home bathroom is more comfortable.

4. When getting intimate with your significant other, lights on or off?

What significant other?

In the past, the lights have usually been off, but I think that now, it really wouldn’t matter to me.

5. How comfortable are you with body exposure/nudity of others? Group shower rooms? Topless/nude beaches? Breastfeeding in public?

I am much more comfortable seeing other females than seeing males. I tend to avoid group shower rooms, but as a dancer and circus performer, I am used to seeing people strip down and change costumes. I really don’t care.

Topless beaches wouldn’t bother me much, but I think nude beaches might be too much for me. Just as I am more comfortable exposing the upper part of my body, I am more comfortable seeing the upper part of others bodies. And honestly, I don’t want to see any fat, hairy men at the beach.

I like seeing women breastfeeding in public. It is healthy and natural.

friday fives, survey/quiz

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