Dec 04, 2008 10:52
WTF is my mood of today. I started out cranky, edgy, and don't want to be around people. However, after a healthy cup of coffee, I am much more docile. Caffeine, food, and alcohol are vices right now, but that's my norm when stress is high.
Last weekend Andy got hit by a deer while driving the Tahoe. Thanks to some friends and beer, the truck has new glass. A few days at the workshop with the boss and the sheet-metal will look better. I know he feels bad about it, and it wasn't his fault, but I had to give him some shit about it. That's what brothers are for!
School is done for the semester in a few days. I have lots of preparing to do for Monday's exam.
Work is nutz. It's now looking like we'll be back to China at the beginning of next year, which is much later than we had hoped for. If i could get motivated, this shit should have hammered out quicker.
Thanksgiving was good, but I didn't get to see much of my dad's side of the family. Zach came down for a bonfire Wednesday night. Saturday the fire was still smoldering. Andy came home, I spent time at Jenn's parents place, and I picked up a new toy!
The year is going fast, and projects are stacking up. getting a PO at work will do wonders!