Today was horrible... I may do a real update later when I get over the awfulness.
These were all stolen from various friends whom I aime very much.
Create your own Friend Quiz here If you get more than 30 you're paranoid.
If you get 21 to 29 you're normal.
If you get 11 to 20 you're almost fearless.
If you get 10 or less you're fearless.
People who don't have any are jerks who want people to think they are tough stuff.
Everyone fears something...
I fear...
[] homosexual people
[x] the dark
[] being single forever
[]being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[] heights
[] black cats
[] birds
[] fish
[] ants
[] driving
[] flying
[] flowers or other plants
[] being touched
[] fire
[x] dark water
[] the ocean
[x] failure
[] success
[] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriend/girlfriend's or (ex) boyfriend/girlfriend's dad
[] my boyfriend/girlfriend's or (ex) boyfriend/girlfriend's mom
[] hospitals
[] jumping from high places
[] snow
[] rain
[] my mom
[] wind
[] cotton balls
[x] cemeteries at night
[] clowns
[] large crowds
[] crossing bridges
[] death
[] dying alone
[] heaven
[] being robbed
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibility
[] doctors
[] dentists
[] tornadoes
[] hurricanes
[] diseases
[] snakes
[] sharks
[] guns
[] friday the 13th
[] being stuck where you are
[] ghosts
[] halloween
[] school
[] trains or railroads
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] being alone at night
[] being blind
[] being deaf
[] growing up
[] monsters under my bed
[x] creepy noises in the night.
[] bee stings
[x] bees, hornets, wasps in general
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] blood
[x] someone you love or care about getting hurt
[x]someone you love or care about hurting you
[] love
[x] losing a love
[] spiders
[] feet
[] needles
[] falling down the stairs
[] drowning
[] ladders
[] necks
[] elbows
[] sex
[] losing my brother
[] college
Repost "I fear __ out of 83 things"
If you are afraid of something that is not listed please add it and adjust
1. When was the last time you washed your hair?
This morning
2. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
Dying in English class.
3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
Surfing the net.
4. Are you any good at math?
5. Are you mad at anyone right now?
My mom for letting those brats play my video game.
6. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile?
7. Last thing received in mail?
A letter from Sachi :D
8. How many different drinks have you had today?
Dr Pepper, milk, water, juice... 4
9. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine?
10. Any plans for tonight?
Watching America's Next Top Model, Calling Ethan, Showering, Sleeping.
11. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
12. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had?
Uh, just the whole cavity thing.
13. What's outside your front door?
Snow and mud.
14. Do you have plans on friday night?
This Friday I'm going to see my boyfriend because he had his wisdom teeth out and I wish to laugh at him comfort him.
15. Do you like the ocean?
I love everything about it.. except maybe swimming in it. Itchy! But it's the most beautiful place ever.
16. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns?
Yeah, but I never ate them. Yuck.
17. Have you ever been to a planetarium?
18. Something you are excited about?
The One Act?
19. Who around you has the biggest problems?
If I could decide, I wouldn't say.
20. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
My Nana... and she's ancient.
21. Describe your love life
22. Where do you keep your change?
My wallet. What's not in there is seperated by quarters, nickles, dimes and pennies into three different containers. ^^;
23. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
A few months ago for the fall play.
24. Do you like anyone right now?
Lots of people :) I like my friends, family, and my boooyfriend!
25. What was the weather like on your birthday?
I think it was snowy.
26. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
27. If you could change your name, what would it be?
I'm really not sure... anything could get tiresome after a while. I guess I like my name the way it is... I only wish not so many people had the same one.
28. Do you like your middle name?
I don't love it, but I like the fact that it's my Nana's name (the ancient one ^^) so I can respect where it came from.
29. Who are you thinking about right now?
Tyra Banks... America's Next Top Model Premiers tonight.
30. Do you consider your best friends family?
Well yeah!