_windigo_ has been travelling in Europe for about 3 weeks now, and no one's heard from her. Except somehow we think she's had her wallet stolen. I don't know how we know that :/
I hope she and
scrat_squirrel are ok, and that they'll be back soon ::huggles:: I miss my best friend.
Anyways, this week I've been BUSY. I've been to the cinema 4 times (>_______<);
Seen HP:OotP 3 times now. BEAT THAT :DD I watched it for the third time with Vicky and we realised how every line is about gay sex. Like 'keep your wand out', etc. Oh, how we laughed XDDD Plus there was this kid in the cinema who kept screaming 'Sirius!!' and clapping whenever he came on, wtf.
Saw Hairspray with Lanu, Kim and Emma - I actually liked it quite a lot. Travolta was fagulous and rather frightening, Zac Efron looks about 14 and has a major case of GAYFACE and Tracey rocked. The songs were pretty good if not particularly catchy, and the whole racial discrimination thing made me tear up, just a little.
AND saw The Simpson's Movie today with Kim (who has a groovy blue 70s Beatle sex-machine now XDDD ). Funny as hell throughout :D I cannot get over how much I love Ralph singing the 20th Century Fox theme. My only regret was NOT ENOUGH MR BURNS! Mr Burns rules. And strangely little Apu, too. But they were trying to fit in 5 squillion characters, so fair enough.
I'm trying to decide what to do for my 18th birthday on the 17th August - I wanna go PAINTBALLING. Has anyone been, and if so, is it fun?
I'm not flooded by the way, although quite a lot of England is. I don't know whether it's been on the world news, but it's pretty bad. Just fyi.
And at the moment I can't get over Kevin/Scotty from Brothers & Sisters <333 I love them so much... Damn their break-up! >3 But I read
this interview which says:
I like to think of Scotty as Kevin's Mr. Big.
so YAY :DD
Also found
THIS Jack/Ianto fanart by The Theban Band, who are SOME KIND OF AWESOME.
That Pippin/Merry picture is one of my favourites EVER.
Ok, I officially need someone to discuss this with.
I will admit, I started watching QAF:USA with a degree of cynicism. I figured:
a) I'm British, therefore unlikely to prefer an American show to a British one
b) The British show was the original and the American a copy, therefore the British would be better
c) I saw the British one first and so would always prefer it
I was only ENTIRELY wrong.
The first few episodes are WEIRD. The first was like the exact same dialogue as the British and didn't work as well. By about episode 3, however, I was liking it, and by episode 5 it had found its own voice and I LOVED it.
took me longer to like him than the other characters - probably because Stuart was such a strong character in the British one. But Brian shows more love to Michael than Stuart does to Vince, and I believe their friendship more. He's really quite a sweetie - he's even nice to Justin and Ted on occasion XDDD
I absolutely adored him from the start XD He's the kind of dork Vince was without being whiny or pissed off, and is just CUTE :3 And again, his relationship with Brian is just better. It's less uncomfortable than the British one, and there's less of a sense of unrequited love and unhappiness - I guess it makes good drama in the British one, but it makes the American one more enjoyable to watch.
Emmett & Ted
Currently watching Emmett trying to turn straight - I know he doesn't, but it's so sad DD: I like the way QAF:USA had the time to expand all the minor characters from the British one. Ted is great too - he's such a loser, and I love the dynamic between him and Brian XDXD
A vast improvement on Nathan. FAR less annoying - in fact, not annoying at all. His relationship with is way more believable, and his dynamic with Brian is awesome. I could never understand why Stuart and Nathan kept together, but Justin and Brian I can believe.
I think QAF:USA ends up telling a different story than QAF:UK - the UK version was telling the story of Vince's unrequited love for Stuart, so it was always about loss and heartbreak and longing for something you'd never get, while the USA version is more like The L Word or Desperate Housewives in tone and has a lot of stories and plots rather than just one focal plot. And much as I like the original, I think the USA version is a lot better. Anyone agree/disagree? :D