Finally finished my
first batch of Doctor Who, Prison Break and Torchwood icons (-________-);; God, my skillz are RUSTY. not that they were ever particularly shibby...
Currently working on:
100 textless/brushless Kingdom Hearts icons - basically just mucking around trying to understand/get good at colour adjusting
Six Feet Under quotes - because TEH LOL :D
Torchwood quotes - ditto
And as a reward for doing well at Prize-Giving, my parents bought me
extra userpic space! :D I have 113 spaces, wtf weird number.
My Gran gave me £100 for doing well, which is... excessive, but she's like that, God bless her. Bought Torchwood with it :DD
My life has become rather 2D... It only seems to consist of home and gym. And my gym life can be described in drawing form:
Har I LOSE SO BADLY AT DRAWING, omg. But that is how I feel for at least the first 20 minutes of gym. I was there 2 hours today and by the end I was clinging to the equipment, trying to stay longer. I don't know what it is about back-breaking, strenuous exercise that's so addictive. Strange.
Oh yes, and DEXTER. Dexter dexter dexter. It was a given I would LOVE this programme because:
a) Michael C Hall is teh awesome &
b) programmes about serial killers are also pretty spiffy.
Can't wait for next week 8D and thanks to the really weak $ rate at the moment, importing it from the US when it's released is laughably cheap. Yay :DD
HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX on the 12th 8D I need to book cinema tickets quickly... Although slightly disappointed, apparently Thewlis only makes brief appearances so no Sirius/Remus? DD: Still, I liked 5th book, so here's hoping the film's as good as 3 or 4! :D