Exams Over o(^w^)o

Mar 15, 2007 20:55

Mocks are over!! Yay!! Am getting results back. Boo.

Well, I've gotten As in everything so far except one of my English essays. In which I got my lowest mark in the world ever. I got a friggin' C for that Hamlet essay, I was pissed off. But what I was MORE pissed off about was the massive go Mrs Gardner had at me (and that my mum started to have before I went monosyllabic and she realised the need to back off). IT WAS A C. GET OVER IT. I didn't revise, I didn't know anything about Ophelia or Gertrude, and I wasn't expecting those kind of questions. If it had been other questions, like about Hamlet's madness or Claudius or Laertes, I would have done a lot better. And with my AS marks, I can afford to get Cs in all my A2 papers, and still get an A grade overall. And to get into Cambridge I don't need an A in English anyway.


Feels good to get that out :D All better now.

But I got 96% in my Stats A2 exam, and that was a real exam, not a mock, so yay!! Now I just need to get 100 marks in my Pure Maths 3 & 4 papers. So basically I could get 50% in each of my Pure maths exams and still get an A grade overall =D //nerdy exam babble This makes Hattie happy.

And Never Mind the Buzzcocks has also been making me happy <3 Simon Amstell is god. There is no way you can dislike someone who made Britney Spears cry by calling her 'nuts'. He deserves all our respect and love. Plus his handling of Preston and Donny Tourette is genius.
(I hope Irvine goes through with her NMTB-themed birthday party, it would be the most hilarious thing ever XDDDD )

Apart from that, I haven't been doing much with my life D: Waiting for school to end in one week... then EASTER HOLIDAYS =D I'm going to ITALY! Beat that! XDDD I'm looking forward to it... I've only been to France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Portugal in Europe, so Italy's going to be the only Mediterranean country I've visited. I'm in the mood for some sun <3
Plus being with Flo and Kim is gonna be kinda like old times (minus Lanu) XDDD

TALES OF THE ABYSS = <33333 as you told me it would be, teracia XDDD It's really fun to play - the battle system is great (better than FFXII, which I still don't understand haven't mastered.. >___> ) and although I'm only a couple of hours in, I'm enjoying the plot and the characters. Plus the Japanese really isn't very hard, so I can understand it all ^^ Yayz. But I'm still trying to finish Final Fantasy X... I can't be bothered to max out my stats and try and defeat Nemesis etc, but I'd like to get all their Celestial Weapons and complete the Sphere Grid with all of them. I'm close to having Tidus complete the Grid, the rest are a little way off... But I've already played it for 130 hours, which is slightly frightening if you think about it :/ How much revision could I have done for my Hamlet essay in 130 hours?

Anyways, SKINS TONIGHT. Looks exciting. Watch it, everyone, and then fangirl afterwards.

And watch Torchwood. For John 'talk to the hand 'cos the wrist is pissed' Barrowman and his incredible gayness. Oh yes. This is how the British public like their science fiction.


mocks, tales of the abyss, a levels, nmtb, exams, torchwood, &stuff, ffx

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