First of all - thank you to
flowerettefan and
specs_olga for the cards X3!! ♥ ♥ ♥!!
Haha!! Interhouse Arts today -----> after two days of alternate stress and boredom, my house won the music award~!!!! b(^o^)d Which of course I was playing the solo line of, along with Libby on the sax. It was especially good to win it because Amy and I have done music every year for the last 7 years and only won once before, and Libby and Holly have done the same for the last 5 years. And all 4 of us won't ever have to do it again, what a nice thought. St Dominic won overall though, but they really deserved to - Davinia as Smee singing "All By Myself" is one of the best things I've ever seen XDDD And Helly as Captain Hook instructing her fellow pirates to go into Peter's crib and holler at his boys X3!! Interhouse Arts is so much crack, whut. XD
Also The Winter Ball, omgz. Well, after an hour we were sitting having dinner and I was already bored out my mind - luckily Gifford took me off up to her room in boarding and after three bottles of Smirnof Ice I felt slightly better XP I spent most of the night with her because she was also bored, and had some memorable moments dealing with drunk!Amy, who was an angry cry-y fight-y drunk. Oh yes. But as the representative lesbians Gifford and I felt compelled to spend time together away from the gross het couples and their grossness XDDD Especially Tom who I can't work out how I feel towards given that he seems really sweet and I automatically want to like anyone Hannah's dating, but then the whole Tom/Gifford thing is just frightening. Gah (0_________________0) Who knows.
(i do realise, that by this point, this is not making sense to anyone not from my school o(>______________<)o )
Also Lara got totally smashed and passed out on the dance-floor, and Ben got so paralytic he passed out in the middle of the school drive and was almost run over by Mrs Snobel's husband. not, i am not laughing XDDD
Anyways, I guess it was pretty fun. Or something. Yes.
But today, the whole sixth form got a right bollocking because apparently someone broke into the nuns' quarters and stole their milk and someone else is it a big surprise they're connected to kate d? (9____9) stole the nativity figures from the crib scene and broke several of them, including Baby Jesus. It's a serious matter, considering the age and importance of the figures in a Catholic school, and the compromise of the nuns' safety, but there is no way on this earth someone can hear the phrase "Baby Jesus has been taken, and broken" and not laugh. Anyways, upshot of it is, there will "never ever be a Winter Ball again" not that that makes a difference to us upper sixth - lower sixth were a bit pissed off though and "the Summer Ball will have to be thought about" - ie they'll probably not let us bring dates. Well, if they don't, all my friends will just get pissed anyway and make out with each other - a dose of industrial strength lesbianism should let them allow boys to the Ball after that, I should imagine XD
And apart from that ------> life is still strange. I am apparently going to see a new psychiatrist, wtf. because the last two were such successes //SARCASM According to the doctor, this one is a higher level person, so they should be better. We hope. I don't want to go. Never mind.
And CARDS HAVE BEEN SENT~!!!! X3!!! Finally. They will definitely be late, so I apologise :3
I'm very tired. Can you tell? (-__________________-)