Kya~~~~ I've been extra-busy this last week, sorry guys o(>________<)o
Saturday I had Open Morning where Mr Nunkumathsmar insulted some poor child's face, and on Sunday I went to a Steve Reich concert (if you know who he is, yay! XDXD ) with Lloyd, which was so much fun d(^o^)b He's still 6'7... XDDD We look so funny together ^^ But he's really great to talk to about random shit... Hmm... Anyways, had to get the train back from London at one past midnight (-______-) and was accosted on the train by this pervy scruffy-looking guy rolling a joint. He made me some sort of proposition, which I couldn't really make out but included the words "place you can go... club... service... paid... black boyfriend... ya know what I'm saying?" to which I replied "Not really" and turned my ShiZen on. I've had worse ...unfortunately... (-____-)
Only Mandarin music this time ::gasp!:: No Japanese. And it's all kinda pop!rock-y too... (oh god, what's becoming of me!? (0_____0) )
Cherry Boom - Cherry Boomomg i cannot get over how much i love this album!! don't understand a word of it but it's so good~! ♥
S.H.E - Superstari find most of their stuff so-so, but this song is so good. and catchy. omg.
Smash Mouth - I Wanna Be Like You (The Jungle Book)ok, so i lied about the no-japanese thing XDDD but this is still sung in english... i just like this version of that song. it's from mosh pit on disney (x____X) and there are some strange songs on there...
Anyways - CINEPURI in a completely random order
1. WTF
2. SAITOU~~~~~~~~~! XDDDDDD ::is shot::
3. Why are all the Hyoutei cast the wrong people?
4. OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SILVER PAIR!? and why is shishido ugly!?
5. Eheh, ok, Atobe's pretty slick. BUT NOT KATOU! >:3
6. Wtf with Hiyoshi!replacement Thor (let's call him thor) Where is my Gekokujou huh?
7. Ok, the tennis ball animation is actually quite good. I'm down with that.
8. Why are all the matches this short?
9. And why doesn't Ibu mumble? o(>___________<)o
10. They should know by now that GIRLS AREN'T NEEDED IN TENIPURI. EVER.
11. Hahaha XDXDXD Love the So-Quick-You-Can't-See-Them rival player flashthroughs at the end. TUTI!!! And why is Sanada so short? o(o____0)o
Yeah, it was generally strange. And I way prefer Tenimyu. Roll on, Rokkakumyu~!!!!
Also much watching this last couple of days of Battle Royale d(^o^)b Kya~~~ I love that film. Because Although it's super-violent. The beginning of that film with the video tape is the best bit. Such a perfect encapsulation of the scarily militant aspect of Japan and its obsession with cuteness.
start emo//
I don't know why, but I've been kinda down these last few days... I don't feel happy at school any more, and my father's off in South Africa stroking cheetahs ::is jealous at him:: I don't know... I just can't wait until this year's over and I can forget that school ever existed.
//end emo