I'm alive~~~!!!
And back from Thailand, yo. Whatup.
Before the Tale of My Travel there are AS-level results to deliver.
Well, I got 6 As. Also, I got 100% in Japanese & English Literature <---- apparently now i can afford to get a c in my a-level and still get an a overall ^^ In fact, out of the 16 papers I sat for those 6 subjects, I got 100%
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OMG!!!! Huge post!!!! It seems that you really had so much fun!!! (^o^)v Good for you!!!!! ♥
Belated happy birthday!!!! ♥ I greeted you in my LJ but you might not read it anymore so I'm greeting you here! *nods*
Catch up, ne!!!!! (^-*)d
P.S. You're so pretty!!!!! (^_________^)v
The same to you too~! I can't believe we're 17~! makes me feel like i should probably get on and do something with my life... o(0____0)o
I know o(>.<)o I really need to catch up... But Monday was my 'write my travel log' day, Tuesday was my 'finish travel log & catch up with downloads' day ^^ and so today is my 'catch up with friends journals' day XD~!
Oh, we shouldn't hurry up! Let's pretend that we're still young! *nods*
*giggles* Good for you! Having a schedule of updates... *nods* I must do that some time, too! XD
Good idea~! ::nods emphatically:: We just need to make ourselves up... Wear young people's clothing... Pretend we're not ancient... ::weeps::
Haha ^^ everything I do is scheduled and planned... I'm far too obsessive compulsive organised...
PS - cute icon ♥ d(^o^)b
I envy you! >D I'm like... I don't really know what to do first and always ended up cramming for it~! (^x^;)
(Oh! Thanks! ♥ My younger sister made it. (^^;;;;) OMG, I DEPEND ON MY LITTLE SISTER. *dead*)
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