First off:
Sorry, I'm a bit late >.<
Anyway, I had a good new year ^^ New Year's Eve I went to see Tom and Ed. Much dance-mat ensued XD Ah, memories of Ed singing 'I will survive!' in falsetto will stay with me to the grave. Plus there was playing of Eye-Toy karate - I tell you, I have some MAD SKILLZ at that game XD~! Watched the London fireworks on TV... They were actually pretty spiff this time around. Unlike the Millennium ::facepalm::
Then yesterday Kim, Lanu, Flo and Emmz came round... We watched the Gravitation movie, Dylan Moran, Bill Bailey, HIGNFY, Family Guy and some Yami no Matsuei (Tsuzuki/Hisoka = :3 ♥). I got a bit of sleep at about 5am... But not much. So now I'm not exactly tired but I kinda don't want to move ever again. It was fun though ^^
Despite the fact I'm in a good mood, I have 3 RANTS!! Which is quite unusual for me, I think... (I hope... 0_0 )
My Rant on Fansubs
Fansubs are generally ok by me, if they help people who don't speak Japanese understand what's going on better. I don't expect them to be perfect in translation or have wonderful grammar, but they should be mostly accurate.
I just downloaded this episode of Tenipuri which had a fansub. It took about two lines to realise that whoever 'translating' it either had never spoken Japanese in their life or was doing this ridiculous dub as a joke. Either way, it was completely and utterly wrong. Every single line was just made up, even when they translated something written down they got it wrong. I think at one point Kaidou said something along the lines of "Echizen... konna yatsu..." which is then translated as "I want to go into modelling". I mean WTF?!?!!!? >:3 ARGH! I don't speak fluent Japanese, but I know enough to understand what they're going on about most of the time. I couldn't turn the subs off and I got to this point where I couldn't ignore them, so I actually deleted the episode after only watching 5 minutes of it. I think it's God's way of telling me to buy the DVDs >.<
And my point is:
If you're going to fansub a Japanese series, KNOW JAPANESE. S'all I'm saying... =_=
stupid n00bs
My Rant on Fushigi Yuugi
FINALLY we get the Amiboshi/Suboshi scene we've all been waiting for. Amiboshi is being attacked by Tomo, suddenly Suboshi breaks in and kills Tomo for attacking his brother, then holds Suboshi in a slightly incestuous way. Miaka even says "It's like a love scene with the same face" and I'm like "Whee!! Fan-service!!" XDXDXD We even get Amiboshi telling Suboshi to stop being one of the Seiryuu Seven, drink the Forgetfullness drink so they can live together happily forever, and Suboshi takes a swig then kisses his brother on the mouth. I was like 0______0 ------> XD~! ♥ ♥ ♥ ~! And then Suboshi doesn't swallow the stuff, tells Amiboshi he's in love with Yui >:3 and then Amiboshi dies!! It went from great to crap in about 0.73 seconds. I hate Yui. And Miaka. Why the hell is everyone in love with them. They are whiny, whiny girls. Please, for the love of Christ, someone shoot them.
And my point is:
Girls in anime suck. (Except in 少女革命ウテナ) That is why Tenimyu is so great.
My Rant on how much I SUCK at HTML
Basically, I do. I just don't understand the stuff. Load of varstrings and shit. I mean, what is it on about? Why can't it be in proper English? ::cries::
And my point is:
You get the point yet? I SUCK. That's the freaking point.
I don't think I have any New Year's resolutions. I guess pass my AS-levels. And not die in Thailand. Though I could well get temporarily paralysed by some of the vaccinations I have to have, if past experience is anything to go by. Spiff.
No, I am in a good mood. Really.