Oct 31, 2005 15:46
I'm ill ::coughs::
Got sent home early today because I'm all flu-y.
I'm watching Wilde again. omgORLANDOBLOOMASARENTBOYrotflmao I have to say, Stephen Fry and Jude Law is a slightly odd pairing... x_X
So my Hallowe'en sucks >.<
I should be doing work, but I can't be bothered. And I'm in a fanfiction mood.
This is a big request post - I'm in the mood to read any fics concerning any of these pairings:
.x. Billy/Dom
.x. Sirius/Remus
.x. Merry/Pippin
.x. Frodo/Sam
.x. Touya/Yukito/Yue
.x. Fuji/Tezuka
.x. Heero/Duo
.x. Trowa/Quatre
So if you know any good ones you want to share... Please go ahead and alieviate my boredom ^^ ::coughs::
fic request