Hallowe'en is here already ^^

Oct 25, 2005 18:13

Went to Fright Night at Thorpe Park Sunday night - was great fun ^^ Me, Lana, Kim, Emmz and Flo were soaking by the end... We went on Tidal Wave in the dark T^T Carina and Stell were fine. I got drenched and apparently the purple dye from my top went into my trousers. Bum. Still, was good fun ^^ Went into this thing called The Asylum, all these people dressed up as zombies with syringes and knives and shit. I found it funny, but everyone else wouldn't quit screaming XD

Then last night it was Flo's annual Hallowe'en party ^_____^ Rebecca didn't come - probably a good thing. The Year 13s couldn't come either ;_; Oh well. Lucy and Neasha turned up, I haven't seen them since they left so that was cool ^^ We watched:

The Stigmata - Haha ^^ Funny random film. OMG BIRD FLU

Amityville Horror - Scarier. Strange, strange film. Lost me at the whole Indian part. I kept expecting Scooby-doo to burst in through the wall. If it weren't for those pesky kids...

Dawn of the Dead - OMG crap AND boring. Wow. That was possibly the dullest film ever. It was almost a mockery of itself.

Shaun of the Dead - far better, funnier and actually scarier than the original. Classic British comedy. You gotta love it ^^

The Talented Mr Ripley - Obviously one of my favourite films ever omgguhtompeterguh but I actually went to sleep for most of it. Well, it was 4am by this point.

So yeah, I got about three hours sleep. Then before we went home this morning we watched Harry Potter 3. Dang doesn't that film work better if you add 'in my pants' onto the end of every line? ^^ Try it for yourself and see.

What's everyone else doing for Hallowe'en? I'm curious =^.^=

back on the subject of harry potter---->

OMG FERRET MALFOY -ish keeled ded-

I love that trailer for GoF. I'm actually really looking forward to it now. I smell a mass excursion to the cinema... ^^

AND WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH LOST? Three weeks without it? Why? ::ish confuzzled::

As for the rest of this week~~~~ _windigo_ is going up to Glasgow... I've told her that if she meets Billy Boyd, she must make him call me and leave a message on my machine or something -headdesk- omglame

On Thursday I'm going into London with Lloyd... Is it weird to go out with your stalker? Not that he's really my stalker... Phone stalker, kinda... Eh... x_X Well, I'm gonna take him out, make him help me buy dresses then dump him. Don't know how I can dump him when we've never gone out, but whatever. I like him, but as a friend, not as...

Whatever. I'm tired. I'm off to play Dark Cloud on my PS2.


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