Emm... My life. Well, had first week back at school. Have derived these opinions from it:
1) I suck at German.
2) I would forget my own head if it were not attached to my shoulders by a tube.
3) When I wear my weird black-and-white stripy tights and gloves with my black witchy-skirt, I get told by roughly 10 teachers how fabulous I look.
4) I suck at organising stuff.
5) I suck.
6) I was
in the newspaper again. And they got my subjects wrong (History not French) and at the time of my GCSEs I'd been doing Japanese 1 year not 2. I look and sound like such a smug git. That was like, the only picture I smiled for, and it was pretty much because I was trying not to laugh. Never mind... (Also, I like the way they cut my sentence together and left out the random 'umm' 'err' and 'you know' bits... Makes me sound almost like I can convey a cohesive idea without turning into a jabbering wanker...)
And I'm getting this fear thing. You see, everyone is always like "shut up, you'll do fine" whenever I say I'm worried about anything to do with schoolwork, but they don't get it. Fine for me is 12 A*s at GCSE. If I'd gotten much less than that, I ould have been disappointed. This whole newspaper thing has been a complete mindfuck for me, because I don't regard my results as being exceptional but everyone seems to. And now it's like there's this thing I have to live up to, because it's not ok for me to get what everyone else thinks is fine, because I have to keep up there doing better than everyone else because what else is there for me to do? I have to be one of the top because that's my thing, that's what I've always been, and now I'm doing AS-levels I'm struggling suddenly with my German and I'm terrified of letting myself down, and having everyone think that I'm not that special after all.
I got 100% in my maths GCSE, 1 of under 10 of something like 340,000 applicants. And I gave it up. Because until then, I wasn't even coming top of my class, which was about 20 people. I never thought I was particularly good at it, but suddenly I score through the roof on one important test and it feels like such waste that I'm not doing it. But then, I used to sleep during maths lessons, or talk, or read, or practice kanji, anything except paying attention. The thought of spending 4 hours a week studying it makes me want to run screaming to the hills. And this German. I suck at it. I'm not joking, I really do. All my other AS-levels are fine, Latin's a doddle, Hisor's alright, English is fine, Japanese is just as fun as it's always been. German is a nightmare. I don't know anything, and the incredibly clever girl in the year above me got a C in her AS-level which is frightening. That could be me. So now I'm thinking, mybe I hould have taken French, I got about 97% in my French GCSE, but it's too late to chnge now and I don't want to drop one, and I'm terrified. I am so, so petrified of doing badly and having everyone think I'm not that clever.
I hate the way once you've got something, you spend your whole time trying not to let it get away...
Anyways... Lloyd tried to ring me a zillion times... Finally spoke to him, he asked me out, to go into London with him at half-term... Didn't say what for x_X But he said he had to work up his courage to ask me. Dang, he's so sweet. I've figured I'll tell him if he puts a move on me in London...
Emmm... On other news: LOST DVDs!!! ^____________^
My DVDs came Saturday morning yay!! Mum lured me out of bed and downstairs with them ^^
Anyways... My thoughts:
1) The later episodes are better than the earlier ones. It just keep improving ^^
2) Sayid and Shannon. Love love love this pair together, don't know why ^^ Just do.
3) Boone's love for Shannon wasn't entirely unpredictable, but still... Locke is very weird. Still like him, even though the whole tying-Boone-up thing was a bit unneccessary.
4) Boone's vision of Shannon dying was scary. As was Sayid's trek into the jungle and Danielle. All vairy freaky.
5) CHARLIE SHOT ETHAN!! OMG knew he killed him, but still... OMG!!! And he was hung - now that was disturbing. Poor Dom!! ::huggles::
6) Charlie is so damn cute looking when he's looking after Claire. Even though I don't like them as a couple. Blast. Like them as friends though. "We don't have to do each other's hair or anything..." XD Class.
7) Charlie and Sawyer's fight was mint ^_^ "You fight like a ponce." X3
8) Golf!! Dahaha XD
9) I still love Sawyer. Dosn't he have the cutest little dimply-smile!?
10) Much love to Charlie's flashback with his throwing up in the copy machine. Even if Tommy or whatever his name was sounded a lot like Baldrick... x_X
11) Walt is kinda cool. He's growing on me, ever since his amazing bird killing fit of prepubescent angst.
And general notes -
1) In the sleeve of the DVD case, the episode listing tells us Boone dies! I mean, I knew that already, but way to kill the suspense...
2) OMG. I have Lost!!! XD And way before anyone else I know. Everyone in the UK is currently on episode 7/8. Haha! ::dances::
3) I am so going to watch episodes with commentary and all the bonus stuff when I've watched all the way through the season.
4) I may not lend it to anyone ever. Even if I have already promised like a gazillion people I'll lend it them when I'm through...
5) I want to watch Season 2!! Damn Yanks, getting it way before us! #$**^ £*#$$!& ^#$££!# Oh well...
And I've just finished
this most sexcellent pron!puzzle createdby
mgal ^^ Which caused me much giggling and losing of the few marbles I still possess... And now I'm off to finish watching Lost. Toodles ^_^