I couldn't pick a new LJ to use so forget it. I'm so slow anyway. :P
Haven't been to LiveJournal.COM in a while, all my friends have different icons now. I'm still stuck with the same one. :) FUN. I wonder, has anything changed? Oh well. I'll have to find out for myself. :D
The world is full of lies, you know? It's weird.. I posted this topic at Go-Gaia.COM (anyone go there?) and everyone said that they didn't lie to fit in. I thought everyone did. Don't they? I don't know.. I know I have. :D Tehe. But, there's always a time someone wants to fit in. Maybe not now, but when they were younger, no? It's strange how people think they actually have never lied. o_0 They think they're a saint or something, which is 99% not going to happen. :D One guy was like, "OMGGG, only dipshits lie to get people to like them!!111" That really hurt me. x_x Everyone lies, right? *scoffs* I'm okay with it now though.
We're going to eat at this restaurant (sp?) today. I hate that restaurant. Icky food there. I only like some stuff. :9 Oh well, my dad is forcing me to go there. He's making us eat.. l-l-lobster. 0_0 I wonder, does anyone hear hate eating animals? :P I love animals, but they taste so good so I just feel bad. x_x
That's all I wanted to say. :D
EDIT: Why do I always get the weird quiz thangs? o_0 I saw this at
queenveeshan's LJ.