TRC Relationship Rambling (Spoilers)

Dec 19, 2007 11:32

Hmm...I was unsure of what I wanted to go on about today. Recently I've been working on writing more than my other stuff and I'm one of those writers that just can't discuss a story until it's finished.

So...I've been mostly going on about SDC and some other I'll talk about TRC today even though not a lot has happened.

Because thanks to a friend I figured out something about the "love triangle" sort of...

So...I think that Sakura and rSyaoran don't love each other in the same way that Sakura and cSyaoran do.

I mean, they love each other, but it might not be romantic at all and if there is any romance it's just because their own feelings are so confused. I mean it's natural. rSyaoran and cSyaoran sort of had the same heart and rSyaoran is aware of Sakura's relationship with cSyaoran. So it's natural for them to be uneasy about each other and feel something for each other. But that's just my opinion.

The main evidence that Sakura loves rSyaoran too is that she called rSyaoran just "Syaoran" and because she was holding him in the last chapter..and she hasn't really done either thing with cSyaoran.

Psh...amateurs. Everyone just twists things to make it the way they want it to, don't they. It happens quite often in manga and anime that someone drops an honorific when the person they're calling out to is absolute mortal danger. Sakura has never witnessed cSyaoran in that much Acid Tokyo rSyaoran was about to kill cSyaoran so she shouted "Don't kill Syaoran-kun!" but even that situation wasn't so dire. cSyaoran wasn't already wounded and possibly already know the drill.

And as far as holding him...she was protecting him from cSyaoran. She obviously does love and care for rSyaoran, I'm just thinking that it's not in the same "Most important to me" way as it is with cSyaoran.'s not like she got angry with cSyaoran or broke down into the same hysterical tears as she did back in Acid Tokyo (then could use the argument that she's gotten stronger). But holding someone to block them from being attacked...that's something I'd do for my brother. I use that example a lot know it's true. Almost evey time someone says "Well what about this" for Sakura and rSyaoran I say...well yeah...I would do that for my brother...or another family member. A friend a lot of the time too.

I can knock a lot of the things down. Let me prove it:

1. Sakura acted cold to protect rSyaoran - Dude...seriously? Of course I would be rude to my family to protect them! And if I may provide an example from another series where someone acted rude towards a family member in order to protect them...Komaki did that for Haine in SDC...

2. Sakura died for him - Well...let me state that Sakura didn't die...she left her body to go to a different world (which I think I would do to protect a friend or family member from dying). Let me also point out that she wasn't just protecting rSyaoran by doing this (though that was probably the biggest part of it), Sakura was also protecting Fay and was going to a world where she could meet cSyaoran. See? I shot that one down.

3. The Way They Look At Each Other - This could be the best argument. They do look at each other with sadness and confusion a lot, but if everyone would just reread Infinity and read what each of them says about it they'd probably see how it might not just be about their hidden feelings like it was with cSyaoran and Sakura. Sakura is confused because rSyaoran is like cSyaoran but he's not (also, she's being cold to him and making him sad which makes her feel bad) and rSyaoran feels bad because he can't help Sakura like cSyaoran could and he does think of her as someone important. I'd feel bad if I had to hurt my brother or if I couldn't help my brother.

4. Before Sakura left she smiled and called rSyaoran Syaoran-kun - Dude...that's just Sakura being Sakura now that she no longer is forced to act cold towards him. It's her way of apologizing and just accepting him. You fools. Seriously.

I already went on about most of the I don't want to do the same again, but you get my point.

I'm not saying that there's no chance Sakura and rSyaoran will end up together...I just still think that some people are jumping the gun. We still don't know what's going to happen to cSyaoran. and besides, rSyaoran is from a different world from Sakura...a world he probably should return to. I least with Fay (Yuui) and Kurogane (who I still don't see as a couple entirely...but it's definitely getting there) Fay has no home to return to so he can hang out with Kuro (but since they speak different languages...there's still problems).

So...I hope that if anyone reads this who thinks that rSyaoran and Sakura are absolutely going to end up together, thinks at least a little bit more about it. I understand if that's still what you believe, but you have to admit that there are some pretty good arguments against your arguments.

Well...that was fun. If anyone reads this and has arguments against my arguments please post them in the comments so I can add that in.

sakura and syaoran, rsyaoran, csyaoran, syaoran, tsubasa chronicle, sakura

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