Hahaha~ How long has it even been since I've used livejournal? Silly me.
I don't have a lot to say, but I am far too pissed off to not say it. I can't rant at my parents because they'll get concerned about my thoughts of physical violence against other people my age.
Hey, I think what counts is the fact that you only thought about it, but didn't follow through. I guess I shouldn't have told my parents about the one time I did almost go for it and punch some annoying bitch in the face. Agh...I hate it when bratty teenagers actually have a voice that says they have an attitude problem. Feel like I want to smack them in the face any time they say anything.
Someday...someday...(though that day better be before I'm too old and it's illegal for me to be smacking around teenagers)
However! Bitchy teenage girls that have no problems (except the ones they create themeselves) are not my problem today. They just annoyed me today as well...like every day. By talking...in clas...when they're the dumb ones that actually need to hear that stuff.
You know, I have to take this opportunity to say how much I love people who don't get something, but actually try very hard to learn anyway. They are better people than me. Because if I don't get something I usually say screw it and just zone out all class. It doesn't happen often though...just occasionally with Math. Luckily for Math I don't intend to do anything with Math (because Math sucks!). I get all the stuff I'll ever need to do anyway. Overly complicated algebrar-geometry craziness needs to GTFO though. I would bet my entire family's life that I will never need to use it. Unless, of course, a crazy guy comes in, holds my family hostage and won't let them go unless I can solve the problem. Though since that's the only forseeable time that problem would come up, maybe I shouldn't bet my family's life. But I'd still bet mine.
Anyway! (so easily distracted) what bothered me today was something simple. Dumb ass people who made our math teacher explain a chart for a half hour. One...chart. Then we had three more that had to be explained for another fifteen minutes each
OMFG it's a chart! They ask you a question, you go to one column then the other and you find the answer. BAM! Problem solved. 100 points for you unless you write it wrong!
I don't even know what kind of stupid stuff they were asking. I started zoning out after the first ten minutes and thinking about random stuff. Like "Oh~ I want texting on my cell phone so badly. I want to be able to talk to my best friend Ashley about all of the stupid stuff going on. I want to tell someone" Of course I get home and Ashley's not online (and no one else ever is) so I dumped it all here instead.
I mean...we're not allowed to text in class but after a while students just started pulling their cell phones out right in front of the teacher and he ignored them. Later on in class he basically called the kid stupid. As much as a teacher can anyway.
"Well, you only have twenty-five minutes to do the test. We spent a lot longer on the first five problems than I expected to...but go ahead and do what you can."
It should be noted that this class is specifially designed to be the easiest class ever. It's just an extra class thrown in at us in night school so we can get credit to graduate. Because there's no incredibly easy electives offered in night school instead. Like Health class or whatever other crap that counts the same as any normal class but doesn't even take effort.
So I really, really wanted to throw a desk at these kids, but alas~ I am not that strong. Plus, I have self-control, even if I'm easily pissed-off.
I don't have a problem with kids that don't get stuff. I have a problem with these kids who act like it's the teacher's fault and ask dumb off-topic questions.
Because no matter what a teacher says dumb questions exist. If you're asking a questions that has nothing to do with the problem it's dumb. If you're asking a question that was just answered by the teacher's explanation...it's a dumb question.
It's the general attitude of these kids that pisses me off. I think our world wouldn't be so full of idiots if they jus tried to learn...something...anything.
Oh well. Nothing I can do to change it. This is what I get for being in night school. But my day regular day school is ten times worse with the random evacuations every other day because some new threat or a drug raid or whatever the Hell is going on there now). Even though we live in a nice peaceful, rich people town.
I'm not even halfway through though. 5/12 weeks...and I'm only allowed one more absence or else I get no credit at all.
I just have to keep reminding myself of Disney World though. If I graduate in June my parents will book a vacation to Disney World in the Fall. Disney World~ For that it is so worth it.
Though it doesn't help in class. Then I'd think about throwing the kids off of Cinderlla's Castle instead. Ohohoho~
Well...hopefully next week someone will get thrown out of class again. That always makes me feel better. And one of the guys in class got arrested yesterday and might be going to jail before the classes end because he was on probation. Yay~
Oh I sound selfish, but really I'm just happy to see people get what they deserve when they're not behaving properly.
Hahahaha~ How happy would I be if the annoying half all disappeared before the 12 weeks were over? No graduation for you idiots. That is how the world should be.
No diploma - no good job - no one wants to go out with you because you're a loser - no wife/husband - no babies - you stupid, annoying genese die out. Yay! Natural selection! (Too bad idiots actually seem to have more children, starting at an earlier age because they have nothing better to do. I know the guy who got arrested has a son and another annoying girl is pregnant. That's pleasant.)
At least tomorrow's English class is fine. The teacher usually throws out two people each class. One person can't even come back because they've been thrown out and missed more classes than students are allowd to. Hahaha~ I want more of that.
Anyway, it's not a lot to complain about, but oh~ How I feel better now.
If I decide to use my journal on a regular basis, I'll end up making it friends only and...actually maybe do some socializing on livejournal (OMG~) I'll keep this entry public for now anyway.