Akuma to Love Song

May 28, 2010 04:05

Today I have an epiphany. While reading Akuma to Love Song, I had a sudden thought: If I were a male, the type of person I would want as my soulmate would be like Kawai Maria. I can't say the same while being a female because I really don't think I could take it if my boyfriend would say stuff like her. But if I were a male, I would like to be with someone like her because she doesn't give me the feeling of doubt, not always in the bad way though. Just that I can always count on her honesty with her feelings and thought, although it would hurt at times. As a female, I think she's the type of person I want to be like, and I think I am somewhat like that at times too, although not always. I'm not good with words so sometimes I tell people how I truly feel but they get sad/disappointed and/or angry. I told my mom that I don't think I love anyone, including her, because I believe that in order to love someone, you have to put that person above yourself. I've always put myself first. I think she was sad/disappointed after hearing that....
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