
Aug 23, 2012 22:37

Back in campus but there's still 10 days of semester holiday. Having being back to him earlier then plan is..... well I don't have any specific word for it...
There would be quite a long list of feelings that includes frustration, hurt, heartbreaking, sad, missed, some others too... But its not a thing I should put it out to anyone...
I think I'm again in depression mode or stress mode or hormonal mode...
A lot of things I wanna know or elaborate explanations...
But "Do I actually WANT to know?"
I like it better not knowing then knowing it all.
But at the same time I'll be more reserved then ever, I'll be quiet-ter, then he'll be more reserve, we'll be silent around each other, then I'll fall apart and break-down.

Thinking with a tired mind is not good = destructive thinking...
Ain't good to me as it will lead to more depressing mood...

At the end, good night....
Sweet dreams to myself and my mind...
It's nice to be back, but with a price <3

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