hahahah omg....Ouran ep 14 is so freaking awesome XDDDD Tamaki + Haruhi = super cuteeee xDDD
its awesome how they're together like a family and that they really look after each other >_<
I love Tamaki >__< for his ability to bring people together, to make everyone feel at home and are part of a family :] always so passionate to help others, yet he is such an idiot when it comes to his own matters...lol xD and of course...he's the princely type :DDDDD <3
On ep 15 so far~ and ep 8, 13, 14 are like some of my favorites so far ^____^
Ep 16 lesson - Others will not know our feelings if we don't voice them. But if you really care about someone, sometimes you just have to notice the subtle hints they give
Ep 17 - To know what you are really like and acknowledge it is a positive thinking of enjoying yourself, isnt that what true strength is? - Tamaki
On Saturday
I watched Angle & Demon with Daisuke, Jennifer, and Mike Li. Daisuke's driving is like freaking crazy XD yet awesome i guess XDDD ( i like the speed and the crazy turns XDDD as long as i survive XDD) Angle & Demon was alright...it was kind of boring in the middle and I don't like the effing twist at the end -_- wtf man?! effing lame......*sighs* *shrugs* but i loved seeing all the awesome statues and buildings <333 I wanna go see them with my own eyes someday :]
Then we movie hopped to see Star Trek with James N, Kaze, Susie, and Tommy.....i think that's everyone? XD Star Trek was pretty epic, awesome, and funny :] I enjoyed it..lol. But the main character kept getting beat up o.o lol...well, I guess he's just such a punk after all :P
Evan Yo is effing adorable >__< if i can see myself with ANY celebrities, he'd totally be it xD
His smile totally melts me XD
Super cute~
He likes Transformer...definitely a + xD
Thank you so much for everything tonight, Ben <333
You know if I'll always be here for you too -nod nod-.