I might have mentioned that I started re-watching Ouran Host Club a while back, but I kind of stopped and picked it up again yesterday. It is such a good anime. lol. Put aside the fact that there's so many good-looking guys XD There's so much to learn from the anime. Some of the morals and lessons are quite obvious, it's something that we already know, but sometimes to have reminders like this definitely helps.
Things such as that..
- Even though the future is important, it is not as important as the present. (ep 13)
- There are other important things in life other than studying (or just this one thing, whatever it might be). Therefore, we should enjoy our life. (ep 13)
Look at post on 5/25
5000マイル走って 息を切らして
アドレナリン100リットル 五体全てフル稼働
ここまで来ればいいだろう どこまでがOK?
街を彩る木々は 模様替え繰り返してる
変わり果てた白さ 変われない弱さ
右手左手振りかざして 闇を切り裂いてGO!
偽りは無いぜ 覚悟決めてるぜ
I should pick up making icons again...lol. Someone still uses my penguin icon that I made like a looooooooong time ago XDDD Photoshop~