i was supposed tO gO tO the beach.. but gabby.. had a PrOblem.. only gOOd friends nO Of thiS .. LUPUS.. lol.. but.. neways we ended up nOt gOin.. n i picked gabby up at her bus stOP at 6 30 n then we drOve n picked up Javi at hIs.. we didnt knO what tO dO at 7 am in the mOrnin sO we drOve tO dennys!! EDDIE!!.. hmm we chilled there.. until 8 30.. and then we drOve tO gabbys HOuse n had a bit to much fun..
then we gOt bOred so we drOve tO tOwn n cOuntry.. tO gO tO flippers.. n play pool, icehockey, truck drivin( yay )and shootin sOme hOOps.. we gOt really bOred sO we tOok sOme pictures in the phOtO bOOth.. shiiaattt
mmm yahh..... after that.. we went tO gO get fOod at wendys.. n then Javi had tO gO tO wOrk sO chilled at coldstOne.. with him nick n ruyvanee.. but w.e were all funna get crunk tOnite niigguuhh !! if anyone wants to party.. call me up ,,,
this sucks gabbby is with her stupid uncle that came from dr.. so i cant chill with her till 9 30.. iighs.. pz the fuck out.. im tired
last nite
was not what i expected.. it was kinda a waste of gas..till the last 3 hours of the nite.. when me n gabby gOt hOme we were really tired.. sO we went to bed till 8.. then we tlked tO javi to see what we were dOing later On that nite.. uhhh.. we went tO cOldstOne tO get r tips.. n met up with javi there.. then i lost the car keys.. but thnk god gabby found them.. after we went tO gO pick up ali and gabby n javi smoked.. while me n jorge jus stood there waitin for them to finish..since it was rainin n nbop parties we just sat n chilled for a bit..
mm after that ali went back hOme n we went tO flippers tO play pool.. i dont kno i did sOmething wrOng n it gOt javi upset sO.. we didnt tlk the whole time we were at flippers.. gabby was i think still high.. so she didnt want to play pool lol.. mmm after driving to 23423 diffrent places to try to eat at 12 we ended up goin tO dAn marinOs.. at sunset Place. n ate there.. jOrge kept lookin at the game.. n i feel so bad that he ordered us food.. but we didnt eat it.. lol yea a a a.. javi n me tlked but it didnt solve anything..ur just made shit worse.. so it was like 1 30 n we finished eatin..
so i tOOk jOrge hOme.. we kept playing his song.. #6.. tempted to touch.. lolol.i dont kno how but we ended up at cOldstOne.. n i guess they already closed.. bc no cars were in the parkin lot.. anywho.. javi asked if we cOuld tlk.. n fOr sure i was like Ok thats it.. we are breakin up.. fOr the first 1 hour we were btchy at each other.. but by 3 we kissed n made up.. then i took him home around 3 30.. n me n gabby drove home.. n we tlked for about a minute then went to bed ..
tOday i don t kno whats goin on.. i work at 8 to close.. yeahhh... not really.. hmm my brother asked if i wanted to go on his friends matt boat.. sO i think thats wat we r gnna do... ttyl
Jenisse n Javier <3