
Apr 20, 2004 16:39

my bIrthday was not what i expected but in the end it turned Out Ok i guess..

i wOke up arOund 9 30.. n i didnt dO my lab rePort fOr anatOmy sOo.. i skipped 3rd.. n went tO skOol arOund 11 45.. LUNCH!!.. when i gOt tO the tables everyOne was there.. it was sOo cute.. adam n stph bOught me a cake.. n nikkie gOt me balloons.. it was sO nice.. n ididnt even tell neOne it was my birthday.. but w.e here r sOme pics

my wOnderful friends.. thnks gOrdOn fOr takin the pic

eatin the cake

Jacky n dameris

i fOrgOt what i wished for :(

ALL dOne

hmm.. 5ht period was a drag. we watched a mOvie n i chilled with craigger until he left me.. since sOme lady called him dOwn.. uhh .. the bell rung n i droPped

nikkie n steph Off.. n then i went tO gO pick up gabby.. then nikkie toLd me she bOught me a gift.. sO we went back tO her hOuse.. n she gOt me a suppper cute af bathin suit.. n we all ended up swimmin in her pool.. till arOund 5.. then we gOt bOred sO me n gabby left.. n went tO coLdstOne.. n chilled there fOr a hOur.. with amanda n her boyfriend.. then they left.. sO we left tO gO eat.. after we saw natalie gOin tO cOldstOne sO we made a U tUrn n headed back tO coldStizzo.. so gabriela can see her <3..
arOund 8.. Me OldandO javi n gabriela.. went tO dadeland.. we had many laughs.. im pretty famOus.. orlandO (( theres Jenisse again )).. we saw the mOdel lady again natalie.. n OfcOurse.. this bOy had tO mack it tO her.. but then it gOt bOrin.. so we went tO dennys .. ate fries then OlandO had tO gO.. sO w.e i droPped everyOne Off..n then gOt hOme.. n tlked to amy.. who hasne tlked tO me in like 01298309123 years.. but whatever.. we caught up.. on aLot Of ShIt.. went tO bed arOund 2..

tOday was bOrin.. went tO skOol arOund 9.. pretended i was sick n went to the clinic for my entire 4th period ( 2 hrs ).. had lunch.. went to 6th period.. went to this college meetin.. then droPped nikkie n steph at there hOuse.. was gnna chill with gab-0 .. but shes to busy.. sO w.e i went hOme.. we get r schedules fOr wOrk.. i really want tO see whO the knew Ppl r.. hOpe there nice.. cameras arent sO bad iguess.. but w.e im gnna gO take a shOwer..
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