At last! A meme for those scads of wannabe deviants amongst us. Those of you who enjoy cigarettes, the PIV-vanilla missionary of federallly-controlled substances, now's your chance to speak up!
Highlight all of the following activities you can perform while holding a cigarette in your mouth (no hands):
- Talk intelligably
- Whistle a merry tune
- Smile
- Frown (it takes more muscles! You never know!)
- Kiss a loved one
- Kiss an unloved one
- Sing a Neil Young song
- Sing a Meat Loaf song
- Brush your teeth
- Floss your teeth
- Blow a breathalizer
- Drink from a straw
- Forget that you're already smoking and pull out another cigarette
- Forget that you're already smoking and light another cigarette
- Rationalize having two (or more) cigarettes in your mouth by citing price per carton and mentioning that "shorts taste funny"
- Say "I implicitly trust RJ Reynolds to be perfectly honest and forthcoming with its customers," with a straight face
Don't forget to cut-n-paste into your journal! Be sure to screw up the HTML tags when you do it to give it that authentic, lived-in meme flavor!