Oct 22, 2008 03:49
It's fall break. I've been home since Friday, and I leave for Portland again on Sunday. Last week, midterm-week, I came down with the flu, and acquired extensions on two midterms -- amounting, essentially to three decently-lengthed papers. It's now Tuesday night, and I still have 20 or so pages to write on Derrida, De Man, Barthes, Cleanth Brooks, and Ed Burke. One of my professors, when granting me the extension, encouraged me to get the midterm done sooner rather than later not for his sake, but for mine: "If it's Wednesday of break and you're still working, the midterm will have defeated you." Monday has long since come and gone, but 20 hours still remain in which total defeat may be narrowly avoided.
Wednesday night, 4:26 AM