Posted on the 13th in
I've been dead for quite some time, huh... Life's really hectic at the moment. I've been on my school break since the 2nd of July, but I haven't gotten as much scanning and scanlating done as I wanted. My grandma fell ill the moment my break started and she's been in a critical condition since then, so I've been making trips between the hospital and home everyday and it's just plain tiring. Ahhh, and I'm actually in the middle of studying for my exams which start the moment I go back to school (on the 17th) -- which I'm studying seriously for, for once, since it'll be one of the factors that decide whether I get into a university or not -- but, yeah, that's been quite difficult to do due to the reason above. So I'll be giving very slow replies (or maybe even none at all) for a while; at least until things settle down a bit.
As of the moment:
My grandma's fine. She's no longer in critical condition, but she's kind of...demented. Whenever we visit her she doesn't remember us, with the exception of certain people. All she does is repetitively pray and say "Thank you." We're not really sure what to do with her. During the school break was fine because the adults weren't busy with taking kids to school, but now most of the children have to attend school so we've been frequenting Grandma less often. The doctors said we might have to place her in a nursery if there's no one to look after her.
Anyway, I've been studying for my exams and I've just finished my 3rd one today. Tomorrow will be my 4th and then there's 2 more next week. Since my exams are more crowded together than the other students, I finish earlier then them so I'll have 3 days off school while they continue on with theirs. :3 Today's exam was by far the worse of the 3 I've done so far. OTL Wish I could re-do them.
For the past three days, after each exam I'd walk to the closest bus stop. But. Each time I make it within 15 metres of the bus stop the bus leaves without me, fffft. I don't want to wait for another 20 minutes for the bus to arrive and then wait another 30 minutes at the next suburb for the next bus -- I have to take 2 buses to get home -- so I've walked it home all three times. That's an hour each day. /sobs I don't want to disturb my dad and tell him to pick me up 'cause, even though he's not at the hospital at that time, I want to give him a break and let him relax. So now my legs are all sore, haha, but walking's kind of fun. I like walking alone since I'm able to go at my own pace (which is often faster than my friends'.)
This was just an update to let you guys know I'm still alive. I'll probably be back next week, but at the moment I need to continue studying for my Mathematics exam. Not looking forward to next weeks Physics exam. /shudder