So here are the photos I promised that I'd post up for the
photo meme.
gloomy_gloo: your favourite item in your room
Aside from my favourite doujinshis that are hiding beneath my bed, probably this bag of stars that
rensirita gave me for my birthday last year? c: I really don't keep much of my personal belongings in my room so.
narscha: messiest place in your house
My garage. It's actually not as bad as previously, where there were tonnes more boxes. Because my uncle owns a grocery store and my family owns the largest house as opposed to all my other relatives, he keeps most of the goods in my garage or living room. The living room used to be pretty bad, too, but now it's almost empty so I didn't bother taking a photo of it. The photo above is just one side of my garage, the other side is just our car so I didn't bother ahaha.
supaari: your toothbrush
Weirdest request I got. Be glad I still kept my old toothbrush for a few days before throwing it away! The left is my old toothbrush that I've been using for the past 5 months or so. I know you're supposed to change toothbrushes every 3 months, but I got really lazy. OTL I just changed my toothbrush about a week and a half ago, hence the right toothbrush.
illusioncandy: your bed and desk
My bed (left), and my desk (right). I actually share my desk with my sister, although none of us actually do much on it. The left side of the desk is my sister's side, the right side is mine. You can tell who's the neater of us two, ahaha. My side is just a pile of books dumped there. I've never really bothered keeping it neat, as long as I knew where everything was, because it's just a place to store my belongings.
ohtancursi: your wardrobe and your favourite outfit
So I have six drawers and a wall-mirror wardrobe. I don't use my mirror wardrobe all that often, though, and I pretty much just let my dad use it. His clothes occupies the 2/3 of the wardrobe. I fold most of my clothes because I find hanging them up to be too much of a bother, haha. Here's what occupies my six drawers:
long sleeved shirtsundergarments (mirror wardrobe replacing the image)T-shirts and other shirtspyjamasjumpers, sweaters, jackets, other winter wearjeans, shorts, other outdoor bottom-wear
I hide some of my doujinshi under my jeans and pyjamas, pfft!
I actually don't have a favourite outfit so I just took a photo of what I wore yesterday. I tend to just grab whatever's on top of the pile and just wear those; not too fussy with appearances. As long as the clothes are comfortable then it's all good, which are all my clothes otherwise I wouldn't call them mine.
yui_eiri: your desk
Details can be found under
illusioncandy's request.
seynee: your bed, preferably when unmade
And here's my unmade bed to my made bed. There's not much of a difference, really. My unmade bed's still pretty neat, sort of, haha. Sometimes I just leave it unmade and when night falls, I just snuggle underneath my duvets like that.
turtlelikelemon: your hard drives
Ahaha, I'm not even sure which hard drive is mine or if those are even mine at all. I don't use my hard drive much so I usually just leave it with my brothers. We probably have a total of 5 or 6 hard drives, but I'm not sure where the others are. Funny how each time one of us buys one, it's always black.
chinpirako: your favourite T-shirt
As I don't have a favourite outfit, the same could be said about a favourite T-shirt. This probably isn't my favourite, but I enjoyed the phrase. My daddy bought it for me a while back, haha, although it was supposed to be my brother paying. So yeah, originally a present from my brother, but turned into a present from my dad.
ciette: your work place, kitchen and your fridge
My work place. Click for a bigger image~ As I mentioned above, the first photo is my desk where I dump all my crap. I probably only work there two or three times a year. The second photo is where I usually do my work, I bring the stuff from the first photo and move it in front of my computer. Sometimes I have too much work to fit on that table, though, or the computer's too much of a distraction so I move to the back of the computer room, where there's a dinning table (the third photo). Although it's a dinning table, we don't use it for dinning; mainly because it's too long so it's troublesome to reach for the side dishes. It's really spacious so it's a good working area.
I have two kitchens, one that came with the house when it was first established (the first photo) and one that we added to the house afterwards, which I didn't take a photo of. We usually don't use the indoor kitchen much, mainly because we're Asian so we need gas to cook, hence the outdoor kitchen that was made for that specific purpose. We do most of our eating in the outdoor kitchen too. I say "outdoor", but it's only because it's outside of the main house. If you want a photo of the outdoor kitchen, I can take a photo of it. It's not as fancy as the indoor kitchen though.
We have two fridges, too, but I decided to just take a photo of the indoor fridge. When I attempted to take a photo of the other fridge, the lighting wasn't too good and you couldn't really see the contents of it so I scrapped it.
And as I mentioned in the previous entry, I don't have a snack area so no photo. :( My parents are really strict about junk food, haha.
That's all for the photo meme! Tell me if I missed your request!