[school] mid-year exams.

Mar 26, 2012 21:28

Exam period goes for a duration of two weeks; from the 26th of March to the 5th of April. All my exams are on the first week though, so instead of having a two-week break after the exams, I'll have three weeks! :)

My first exam was Ancient History, first thing in the morning today. I didn't manage to finish it. I mixed up the time. Because we started the exam 5 minutes earlier, the exam actually ended at 10:30AM instead of 10:35AM. I forgot about that, though, so when it was nearing 10:30 I tried to fit in another paragraph before the conclusion. I should've had enough time, if the exam ended at 10:35 anyway. So the teachers told us to put our pens down at 10:30 and only then I remembered the modified deadline. /facepalms

I think I did okay overall though. :)

Tomorrow's exam is English. Well, it's actually a 5-minute interview instead of a handwritten exam. Problem is that five minutes is too short. I have a whole lot to say so I'll probably need 10 minutes. Everyone seems to have problems cutting down their speech. (They gave us the questions so we know what we'll have to include in the interview. Thus everyone prepared a speech for it and are doing their best to memorise it since you can't bring palm cards on the day.)

No exams on Wednesday. Thursday is Business Studies and Friday is Mathematics.

No Physics mid-year exam, hurrah! But I had a practical exam for it last Thursday and I failed. Haven't even got my results back yet, but I already know I failed. Answered as many questions as I could and counted up my marks. Assuming if I get all the questions answered correct, I wouldn't even pass the 50% mark, pfft! Ah well, better luck next time. I do better in theory than practical.

Oh yeah, my Photobucket account exceeded its bandwidth. Never thought that'd happen to me. :| Re-uploaded all my sales images to a new Photobucket account and re-uploaded the images for fuwasyndrome. Still need to re-upload mood themes, banners, photos and all that, but eh. I'll do it another time.

I know I haven't been posting much entries and I haven't been commenting on people's entries too. I do read 'em though, just don't have the time to respond. I still have comments I need to reply to on my own journal. OTL I'll get to it during my break, so please be patient until then.

work, school

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