New tablet

Sep 07, 2010 13:19

Here's my second hand Intuos3 A3 tablet which I picked up in London on Sunday when I went in for Faye's hen night. Got it for about a quarter of the price of a new Intuos XL so I'm very happy. So far it's been great, it feels much better to sketch on the computer with a bigger active area.
It does takes up a lot of space but I just do stuff on top of the tablet surface as if it was the desk surface so it's not a big issue. :)

Hmm I've been thinking whether it's worth trying out DailyBooth. LJ is such a hassle to upload images to. Just now I had to go to Photobucket, upload, click the little thumbnail to get to the URL page, copy URL, go back to LJ, insert URL, preview, realise the image was too large, go back to Photobucket, resize etc... It's kind of annoying when there are blog services out there which are better tailored to picture blogging.
Dailybooth seems full of teenagers though and there's no way of restricting privacy other than approving who can follow you.
Tumblr looks nice too and, like DailyBooth, I think it has the option to update your Twitter whenever you post so that you don't need to double post. The sad thing would be to lose the LJ friends list, but I guess nowadays we're all pretty interconnected via Twitter and Facebook.
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