
Jan 01, 2015 00:00

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Comments 32

trav_uka March 19 2007, 22:40:04 UTC

Thought I'd add you to the LJ. Enjoys the pointless ramblings.


trav_uka March 19 2007, 22:40:51 UTC
Oh.. I'm Rachel's friend from T.G.I.'s on the Sunday night BTW.


fuunsaiki March 20 2007, 10:28:37 UTC
I recognise the badge/user name. Let's adding desu! ^_^


liathe March 20 2007, 20:43:23 UTC
Hey Weez, it's Rosie here from Minamicon. It was really nice meeting you and hanging out with you, especially when we went to eat yummy fish and chips on Saturday! XD

I would love to keep in touch with you so I'm adding you, hope you don't mind!


Hello. lugna_vatten June 11 2007, 23:04:36 UTC
Re your comment about Being Watched. Are there spies amongst us? It's like invasion of the body snatchers. Kind of.



Re: Hello. fuunsaiki June 11 2007, 23:10:28 UTC
I honestly don't know for certain, but I had a nearly-uncomfortable conversation this afternoon so thought others might want to know that Big Brother may well be watching. XP


vfd88 July 24 2007, 17:01:52 UTC
Hey! We have a lot of the same interests, and we both apparently have an infatuation with Raul (psh, who wouldn't?). Add me please?


fuunsaiki July 25 2007, 19:03:28 UTC
Having just checked out your only public entry, I'm thinking we totally have to be friends. ;D


vfd88 July 25 2007, 20:19:51 UTC
Yep, I'm making another Raul picspam soon. It will be godly.


vonandmoggy July 29 2007, 00:55:54 UTC
Okay, I just read your post on the Bookseller community and laughed my head off...is it ok to add you? :)


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