There's still hope in this world, guys!
I found someone is still scanlating
Omanga totally dropped the ball on this project, I kinda lost hope that anyone would show this AWESOME series any of the attention it was due.
It's been incredibly difficult just to obtain the Japanese volumes of the manga, kinda like clawing yourself up a sheer incline by your fingernails, inch by inch. I remember reading the series on Omanga forever and an age ago and faling in love with Shin the series.
From then on it was an epic search for the Japanese volumes. By epic I mean even the Japanese think its an obscure series and no bookstores would carry it.
I special order them all, now and its well worth the price and the wait. The Japanese volumes are really very beautifully printed.
But having them in Japanese only goes so far. Being seinen, the manga has NO furigana. The surreal nature of the art and story doesn't lend itself well to picture reading or a limited grasp of Japanese. Like...why is that demon yodeling? Why does that cat have peg legs? And who are the Crosseyes anyway?
But by some random crazy providence, I stumbled upon Gantz Waiting Room's scanlations all the way up to VOLUME SIX.
I am a happy happy girl and I've been reading them bit by bit since yesterday. I can only hope they intend to follow through with the project and maybe more people will be interested in it, soon.