manufactured italians and angry little british men

Jul 31, 2005 16:35

haha i had to use that title again because me and colleen were talking about awesome past moments on thursday at bertuccis when i threw the mozzarella fritta at her and we laughed at the bertucci's sweet and unsuspecting. awwwww. anywho...i swear, i'm going to write a book someday, and that will be the title. it cereal. FUCKING CEREAL OK?

haha on the subject of manufactured italians...when we were at jacob's pillow yesterday my dad got a turkey sandwich...and he's half through it right? and he says "i never like turkey's not like real tastes matter what brand". and me and my mom just look at him and start cracking up and we're like "well, why'd you get it?" but he doesn't answer, he just keeps going "i don't really like cold cuts...they all taste fake"...and by this time me and my mother are like "wtf are you talking about and why did you buy the damn sandwich then?" and finally he says "i like the real stuff, you know, like the little hams the little old italian men make and hang in their attics" wtf? i think my dad is losing it.

so...fizz is coming home tomorrow! woot woot! that's exciting.

hmmmmness...i went to jacob's pillow yesterday. it rocked. but not like cereal. it rocked like...cold cuts that old italian men hang in their attics.

so tomorrow is, then to see fizz! yay! but it's a thing at south station...HEY COME VISIT ME!, then kevin's thing...yay! work, then bessie's thing! so yay for a slighty more interesting week than usual!

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