update of boredom

Jul 18, 2005 10:31

i decided to come down with death flu today. well i call every sickness death flu. unless it's the brazilian flu. because that's not the death flu. even though they're the same thing. how can they not be, when every sickness is the death flu? see? it makes sense. well anyway, i've only had the brazilian flu once. and i've had the death flu everytime i'm sick. including that one time i had the brazilian flu. because it's the death flu. so it's not like i had both at one time, like a simultaneous death flu/brazilian flu type deal thingy. no. it's just the same thing but we classify that one time as brazilian flu. what's the difference to make me classify it as brazilian flu? there is none. because they're the same thing. well you know what? because i know the real reason that i differentiate between the two (and because this could go on forever (because you know when you do stuff like this when you're talking to another person and eventually they just throw up their hands and walk away? well there's no one here to do that to me, so i could keep going...anyway that's why it could go on forever and I JUST DID A DOUBLE PARENTHESES!)) i will tell you why. why i differentiate between the two i mean. not why there's no one here to shut me up. well i'll tell you that too. it's because i came down with death flu (which is the same thing as brazilian flu) and everyone went to work. and now you know! anyway, moving on...

did you know that...what? i did tell you! yes i did, back there! right where i said "i will tell you why. why i differentiate between the two i mean."...oh but you're right, i didn't tell you. shit. i'm sorry, i really should have told you. i just got confused because i told you something else which was why there's no one here to shut me up and i gave you the answer for that too. so let me answer you now. it's because i came down with death flu (which is the same thing as brazilian flu) and everyone went to work. well libby went to school. sorry! i can't believe i had forgotten. well there, we've addressed it now. anyway, moving on...

did you know that...what? yes, yes i did, don't try to confuse me! yes look, as proof that we did address it, this is what i wrote: "well there, we've addressed it now". oh you're right! i never gave you an answer! well we did address it you know, because we spoke of it...it's the same thing, yes it is, don't argue with me. ok wait before i forget...shoot i forgot. anyway, moving on...

did you know that...WOULD YOU LET ME FINISH! no shut up! i'm going to finish this sentence! LALALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING TO YOU...real quick before i'm interreupted again! *didyouknowthatthedifferencebetweenbrazilianfluanddeathfluisthatwhenwheniwasatballetcampmyfirstyearthereweregirlsfrombrazilthereandoneofthemcameoversickandshewasbrazilianandicaughtitfromthelittlebraziliangirlandthat'swhyit'scalledthebrazilianflu*! geeze, that's what i've been trying to tell you since the beginning! i hope you've learned your lesson about interrupting.

oh god i'm sorry. the death flu is going to my head. really it is. i had the worst dream a little while ago. scared the crap out of me. i blame it on the flu.

anyway, that's enough...i need to go lie down.

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