Good And Bad

Jul 11, 2007 20:42

Today was fairly eventful as this summer goes.

I started my day with a meeting with the lovely Tamar (my advisor). I was kind of dreading the meeting because Tamar has been one of the more frustrating parts of my year at RPI, mostly because she is a flake and self-centered, aka she wants me to not study just what I want, but somehow incorporate all of these random things that she in interested in. Its hard to really explain the wonder of Tamar on here. Anyway, it really went well today despite my fearing the worst. She seemed to really get me, be genuinely excited, help me make a map of ideas, gave me some names for people to contact, and helped me start planning ahead for my comps and my committee. Good times despite my massive headache.

She also gave me an anthology "The Anthropology of Christianity" which is exciting for two reasons. Before she made it seem like studying just Christianity was a waste and uninformed. Its also nice to know there are at least people studying in the same general area, if not the actual topic.

After Tamar I went to the SS office to change my name (so I can get a new passport and license. I waited for 45 minutes, listening to people complain about their SSI and benefits and so on. The woman next to me was a rather girthy lady wearing a night shirt... only. Literally, one of those mickey mouse long shirts that my mom always used to wear to bed- not outside of the house! She was eating a large peppermint candy so loudly I had to walk out of the room.

After getting my number called, the lady harassed me about whether or not I really had as many names as I claimed to. She insisted that I could not put 2 middle names and 2 last names on my social security card (even though I have 2 middle and 1 last right now). After about 10 minutes of back and forth she printed something out for me to sign and it said "Kaitlyn Elizabeth Wood"- as though I wouldn't notice. I politely told her that I had 2 last names and another middle name as well. She says she can't fit it all on the card, so what- you deicided to pick the 2 you liked best? Im pretty sure it makes the most sense to just put my last 2 names on the card. I tried to tell her that I needed both of my last names to get my paychecks, accounts, license, passport, all right. After much struggle, I have a card that says both of my last names and my 2 middle initials.

After all this I went home and hung out with my dog.

I went out with Shira for dinner which was really nice as well. We chatted and got all caught up, and I was able to vent a lot of my frustrations about school to her.

All in all I am feeling better about school today. We shall see how this all works out.

K, I haven't seen Matt all day and he is almost done fixing one of his guitars so I am going to go bother him.

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